* Different day, same Nazi-like persecution -- another store "lockout" followed by straight-faced "gaslighting" lies, intended to make the victim look like he's delusional.
* Only complicity of local police could a convince local merchants to literally shut down their businesses to enable sadistic stunts on citizens targeted for reasons of hate and ideology.
* Bucks County, PA MAGLOCLEN-RISS Fusion Center -- East Coast centcom of a heinous high-tech genocide masquerading as a law enforcement agency.
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Employees take the cake for sadistic gaslighting? |
This is what fusion center- coordinated "community policing" has wrought: a nationwide persecution network that allows ideologues and hate-mongers at all levels of government to conduct a covert "social cleansing" under the false pretext of fighting the "wars" on terror and crime. It has been nearly six years since I began writing about my serial persecution and my heinous, debilitating torture from daily attacks from a covert electromagnetic weapon system deployed on cell towers everywhere. (I was unable to write, or speak cogently, for four years, from early 2004 until 2008, when repeated in-person pleas to the Philadelphia field office of the FBI apparently resulted in a slight reduction in the intensity of these electromagnetic attacks, allowing me to partially recover from the most severe effects of this government-administered torture. But the attacks, the pounding head pain, the ear-ringing, the forced sleep, physical debilitation, the extreme bouts of overwhelming fatigue and muscle weakness, have continued -- to this very day.)
I have lived in several states and counties in my long career as a major market newspaper and television journalist. I have never lived in a more repressive and hostile community as Bucks County, PA and its surrounding environs. In June 2009 I was assaulted and falsely arrested by Falls Township, Bucks County PA police for misdemeanor "stalking" -- the crime that was being committed against me at the time -- in an apparent frame-up engineered by fusion center operatives who use Lockheed Martin contract personnel to coordinate this persecution matrix. (The charge was summarily dismissed at a preliminary hearing when police failed to produce a complainant.) I called an assistant district attorney to demand a police misconduct investigation. I received a form in the mail demanding that I produce the names of the police officers involved. I had no way of knowing, and again asked for an official police brutality investigation. My request fell on deaf ears, despite follow-up calls.
Perhaps it is no coincidence that Bucks County is the headquarters of the multi-state, extrajudicial MAGLOCLEN-RISS Fusion Center, a multi-agency/command apparatus that operates under the de facto administration of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security -- but which in reality is a military- and intelligence agency-dominated fiefdom unto itself, with no practical accountability to any local, state or regional authority. This organization,which issues orders to local police with the full force of the U.S. military commands, has turned local police and their community policing citizen goon squads into a private army of human- and civil-rights trampling stormtroopers. MAGLOCLEN-RISS is located just down the road from a major Lockheed Martin facility. Lockheed Martin is the prime cyber-contractor of U.S. government agencies and commands, and the extrajudicial fusion center "disposition matrix."
Aside from the pounding head pain and ear-ringing to which I awoke this morning, the latest graphic reminder of this Kafkaesque persecution happened late Sunday afternoon, when I stopped by Cramer's Bakery in nearby Yardley, Bucks County, PA, a place I have patronized for more than twenty years. What happened was almost an exact replication of a similar incident that occurred nearly a year ago at a convenience store in the same small Delaware River town (more on that later).
It was just after 4 p.m.when I parked my car in front of the bakery and walked up to the door. I immediately noticed that all of the lights were out inside the store. I tried the door. It was locked. Forgetting for a moment about the likelihood that I was being victimized by another "gaslighting" (so named after the classic 1944 movie Gaslight in which a husband manipulates the home environment to make his wife think she's going crazy), I turned around and instead went to an adjacent drug store.
Between five and ten minutes later, I exited the drug store and immediately noticed that the bakery next door was open, lights on, with several customers being waited on by two female employees. One of the women wore glasses, the other did not.
This time the door was unlocked. I entered the bakery and asked one of the women, the one without glasses, how come the store was closed and the lights were out when I came by a few minutes before.
"We've been in here all day. The lights were never out," the woman without glasses deadpanned in words to that effect, keeping a straight face as she stared me down.
Immediately I knew it was happening again. Another malicious, psychopathic, sadistic "gaslighting" by a local merchant cued to my impending arrival by the community "policing" Gestapo that tracks my every movement and surveils my every utterance via electronic means, even inside my car (which is equipped with a GPS-enabled "anti-theft" system that was foisted upon us "at no extra charge" when we bought the vehicle at a local dealership).
I looked the clerk in the eye and said something like this:
"So now you're telling me that I'm crazy, huh? I don't known what kind of games you're playing here, but I am going to try to find out."
As I turned to walk toward the door, I noticed that the other employee, the woman with glasses, was on the other side of the door, giggling the latch. In a loud voice, unprompted by me, she said, "Sometimes this door gets stuck," and she continued to fiddle around with the mechanism.
Another lame cover story, I thought to myself as I headed toward my car. But then, I decided to turn around and go back into the store, where I addressed the woman in glasses, the one who told me the story about the allegedly temperamental locking mechanism.
"Is Mr. Cramer working today?" I asked. She told me he should be back in the store in a little while.
"Well, I intend to tell him about what just happened here," I said as I took my leave.
The Cramer bakery, which has been in business in the neighborhood since 1946, is equipped with a modern video surveillance system. Assuming the system was operating yesterday afternoon and was not turned off or otherwise tampered with, the video surveillance will confirm the veracity of my account -- that is, if the owners of the establishment care enough about the experience of this customer to check.
I do plan to return to the store to discuss this matter with Tom Cramer, one of two brothers who operate the bakery and a local businessman with whom I have conversed several times over the years as a regular customer. I will request that he check his surveillance system, and ask his employees why the lights were turned off, and the door locked, when I approached the store Sunday afternoon.
I also will request an apology. If I don't get it, or if I get some other excuse for what clearly appears to be a case of community-based bias intimidation, I will let my readers know.
As mentioned earlier, the Cramer bakery incident of yesterday closes mirrored a similar happenstance in early March 2012 at the WaWa convenience store just down Main Street from the bakery. Here is the contemporaneous report I published on this site about that equally sadistic case of "gaslighting":
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WaWa lights out lockdown for targeted journo: Yardley PA cops enable malicious harassment? |
When I pulled up to the store, several cars and customers were inside and all lights in the store and parking lot were on. As I pulled into the lot, I noticed that up ahead, at the corner of Main Street and Afton Avenue, a Yardley borough police car’s siren was sounding and its lights were flashing.
As I got out of my vehicle and tried the door, I found it was locked. Two other customers also were approaching the store, and were as surprised as I that the store, which is open 24/7, was closed.
As I got back into my car and put it in reverse to exit the lot, ALL of the lights in the store went out. A moment or two later – NOT at the same moment – all lights in the parking lot went out, leaving me in total darkness, creating a safety hazard.
I immediately surmised what had happened: the sick psychopaths who direct a nationwide vigilante community Gestapo misrepresented as “community policing” – whose team leaders are mostly drawn from the ranks of police, fire, and other supposed “public safety” agencies -- knew from Lockheed Martin’s 24/7 high-tech surveillance of my premises that I was headed out to that location, and contrived yet another sick, sadistic “psyop” (psychological operation) intended to unnerve me. The flashing lights and blaring siren of the Yardley police car apparently injected an extra dash of pathological sadistic harassment.
So I double-checked on the internet to make sure the Yardley store is a 24-hour location (it is), and I called the listed phone number. A woman answered. She identified herself as “Pat.” I asked why the store was closed. She told me they had a “power failure” that lasted 20 minutes. I then informed her that all lights were on when I tried the door, which already was locked – with customers and employees inside the store. I also informed her that only as I was trying to pull out of the parking lot did the lights go out.
My comment to “Pat” was this: “I sure hope whoever came up with the power failure story has a good explanation.” She said I could talk to the manager. I assured her that I would stop by to do so. At that point, she said, “He’s right here; I’ll let you talk to him” – and suddenly I heard a man’s voice. I hung up, convinced that I was being victimized by another case of “retail gaslighting” – since this police-directed and protected Gestapo apparatus has its tentacles into virtually every local business, large and small.
Welcome to Bucks County, PA, the mid-Atlantic headquarters of the MAGLOCLEN-RISS ‘Intelligence’ Fusion Center, and the nexus of a fascist regional extrajudicial persecution matrix formally entitled “community policing” but commonly referred to as “gang stalking.” See “Gestapo USA” at http://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2012/01/thugocracy-u.html
Also see:
http://VicLivingston.blogspot.com (see right-hand column for all articles published since December 2011).
Also see:
http://NowPublic.com/scrivener ("stories" list)
1 – 200 of 403 Newer› Newest»I believe these community policing gaslighting stunts are going on everywhere in the United States. I know it's happening where I live. If you're on a gaslighting persecution list, this is what they do to you. I think it's absolutely outrageous and demented that virtual armies are getting paid to orchestrate these stunts using advanced tracking technologies, and it appears the armed forces also getting paid to recruit communities to torment the persecuted gaslighting victims.
"Sometimes this door gets stuck," and it makes the lights go out. Mhmm.
Why waste your time and talent on something as asinine as brighting, Mr. Livingston?
This is multi-agency/command/corporation. I smell Secret Service. Of all the agencies and commands, they are the most likely agency to have profiled me when I was a major market newspaper reporter doing stories about such things as JFK assassination researchers and a church-protected Eastern European cleric and former fascist stormtrooper who eventually was deported. Things like that. Stories that get journalists targeted for neutralization. I wouldn't have gotten as far as I did in mainstream media if this persecution matrix had been focusing on me early in my career. That's my theory. Only a theory. The persecution also could be the result of the mere fact that I am a Jew and there is a silent holocaust going on among the security cabal that targets high-profile Jews. See John Lofus et al, "The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed The Jewish People."
Because it is symptomatic of a deeply rooted criminal psychopathology that permeates the security cult that has stolen America. That's why.
I wrote in the above story the word "hate-mongers." It was maliciously altered by Lockheed Martin censorship regime cyberNazis to read "mate-mongers" -- not just on this site, but on NowPublic.com/scrivener, a totally different website. This is their standard procedure -- to tamper with internet content to make their "targets" look sloppy or incompetent. THESE TAXPAYER FUNDED SECURITY CULT CYBER-TERRORISTS ARE LITERALLY REWRITING HISTORY AND COMMITTING SERIAL SLANDER VIA THE INTERNET.
Do you frequent this store often? is this the first time anything happened?
You did a story about this sometime in December on Nowpublic, although at the time I say no such story there.
I have been a customer of Cramers Bakery for 22 years. The goon squad analyzes the shopping habits of its targets, and knows what they usually order. I had a habit of buying a single cupcake for a while. I also check the day-old shelf. The goons know when I am going anywhere, because they are fed through the police and fusion center surveillance data. They often know what was said in the "privacy" (in quotes) of our home. One day I noticed that a container of four cupcakes was deep-discounted. I bought the pack that was first on the shelf. When I ate the cupcake, it had a chemical taste. I spit it out. Can I "prove" the cupcake was tampered with and placed out where someone knew I'd be looking? No, I cannot prove that.
Nor can I "prove" that this torture matrix instantly obtains all food purchase data by instantaneous transmission of UPC data, and may in the past have placed TAINTED cans of Progresso soup in our cupboard -- as we slept at night, kept under by electromagnetic weapon attack.
For a long time, items we (thought were) purchased at a supermarket exhibited a funny taste. Now I believe that home-intruding goons, operating under the cover of electromagnetic "neuromodulation" attacks on us as we slept, may have placed poisoned items in our cupboard and refrigerator.
I have seen others report this possibility as well.
Here is the link to my main article about the scalar electromagnetic weapon system that can "neuromodulate" the human nervous system and physiological processes:
P.S. I cannot believe that the FBI does not know all about the covert genocide that's going on in America.
Ain't the cell phone harassment network a real treat? And a half? I ordered a slice of cake at a similar place to what you describe (I'm assuming), and the guy serving it laid a nice big long slimy glob of spit on my cake. He turned slightly to do it, but didn't realize that he didn't turn far enough. I thought about turning him in, but since the manager had gas-lighted me on another occasion, I didn't bother. Really, I've just decided to split - to get the hell out - and go someplace where it's not so obvious that the people are eventually going to slaughter each other.
Detractors will say "just go to another store." The problem is the same as it is with the patrol car that radios the police helicopter after your attempt to flee on foot ... the cell phone message, the same as the cop's radio message, gets there FAST. and before YOU do. So, at another place, across town, I ordered some food, and the clerk spit in my tambourni salad. I didn't turn that guy in either - for the same type of reason as the first place. It's a little bit like being a black guy, maybe a hundred years ago. It sure as hell ain't worth sticking around. The society is too sick for that ... it'll burn out someday, then it might be worth coming back ... but I doubt it.
Try looking up the historical archives for the Police Gazette, for the Atlanta area, circa 1885. Read through a few copies. You will find a lynching in almost every copy, usually consisting of an accusation, then a hanging, with a small amount of elapsed time in between. The real victim (the guy hung) will always have been referred to as "the brute," and the crime (i.e. accusation) will always have been that he took advantage of a white girl. But, I digress. Look further into the articles, and read the verbiage that surrounds all that they say. It will stand out pretty clearly for you, and you'll recognize it as "Gang stalking" talk. We're moving backwards. Fast. Check it out. Unchecked, it seems that this is the way "humanity" really is. It's another reason I've decided to leave.
I think I've decided that I'd really rather be with the more reasonable, pleasant animals (sea lions, dolphins, manta rays, etc) I see a change of scenery in my future.
Let me add: "more intelligent."
Yes, yes, yes. I heard one of "them" at the store say "They always buy the same thing".
So, they've got your tainted cupcakes at the ready when their tracking alerts tell them you're close to the store. Sure, same thing happening to me all the time. Tainted and substandard goods sold to us TI's, while the others get the good stuff.
And all those lynchings and accusations in the police gazettes? You are exactly right, that's the M.O., the setup for the slow kill. I personally know people they've done it to.
The guy who's been commenting about heading for the southern hemisphere is brilliant, he has it all figured out. Who wants to be beat up and kicked around like a dog forever for no reason by this insane lynching program. For me, this is much of what Orwell was talking about in his book, no doubt about it.
I meant to type, "Leaving is the most reasonable, sane idea I've had in twenty years."
The spooks are back. Expect comments to go away ...
Yeah, but what's to stop them from hunting you down in the South Pacific and stirring up the pot among the locals, so to make things bad for you there too? It seems to be the thing they know how to do best, and they have the resources to do it.
I'm guessing they'll shutter nowfact, as well
Which ones are the spooks?
re: Detractors will say "just go to another store."
Yeah, or just go to another doctor who won't destroy your liver with the wrong pills, or go to another dentist who won't wreck and gouge out your teeth, or go to another salesman who won't screw you over until you turn blue and you're ready to move to the South Pacific ... and then ...
The technology infrastructure in the southern hemisphere is not even close to what it is in the northern latitudes. The "surveillance state" issue is more or less an american/european thing. For some time to come, I don't see much of a problem ...
It's more than a tracking and surveillance issue, although those are by themselves good reasons to leave. It's an issue of political environment and safety, as well as quality of life.
Repeating for the Niedermeyer/Eddie Haskell psyops supervisors:
OMG. The fratboy CyberNazis so lamely and obviously repeat ad nauseum the "get out of town!" meme -- so obvious that I believe they are really giving a linguistic finger to the Eddie Haskell/Neidermeyer supervisors who issue the orders for this disingenuous "leave now!" agit-propaganda. I wouldn't give the Niedermayers among the mil-intel cabal the satisfaction! I'd rather die defending what this nation stands for then give in to American fascists.
All of you!
I promise to considering leaving Bucks County, PA after I help put a bunch of people based in Bucks County, PA and its environs(Newtown, PA, and elsewhere) in federal prison.
Having an early cup of coffee, and all you spooks will be going to bed, it being midnight in your world. I just wanted to add I don't think you need advanced technology to explain what happens to Scrivener at the bakery. The bakery employees will know his buying habits. When they offer cupcakes at a discount, and those taste chemical, it's because they are OLD and STALE. If you have been going to that store for 22 years, they know you and they know you well!
I was amazed Scrivener replied to my post on GooglePlus. What you don't know about me, I am female and I have been taunted with the western world imperialist capitalist meme time and again. The two or three of you have an obvious problem with social media, And the cell phone culture. Could all of this just be social ineptness? in disguise? Could the bakery ppl be 'targeting' Scrivener because he retired and has less money now? Or because he is reclusive and unfriendly?
I think I found a couple of your spooks Vic: January 8, 2013 12:05 AM and 12:10 AM. The plausible deniability meme again - this time they're claiming "social ineptness".
Vic's locked out of a store with the lights turned off just as he walks up to it. And then five or ten minutes later he sees the lights on and the door is open. He walks in, asks about it, and the employees deny the lights were out at all? That's called social ineptness? Similar to a couple of the recent gaslighting stunts they pulled on me.
The "ineptness" is crystallized in the lame psyops put out by Lockheed Martin military contractor blog-spammers. This is FRAUD -- a huge waste of taxpayer dollars on ideology- and hate-driven witch hunts. ALERT THE INSPECTORS GENERAL.
I think the spooks comment chased everybody away.
Find the truth at www.newworldwar.org
Supplement your truth at www.nowfact.com
You mean the honeypot site, "Nowfact.com"?
As seen on http://TheHill.com today -- that is, unless I am looking at a phony, spoofed page viewable only to me, the transparent "tradecraft" of the Lockheed Martin real-time internet censorship regime run under contract to U.S. agencies, commands and the fusion center network:
re: John Brennan CIA nomination, from journalist exposing USG electromagnetic weapon attacks on Americans, including "forced sleep" and mind control entrainment of high officials:
Remember father Daniel Berrigan? He was a Jesuit priest. Brennan got a strong Jesuit education and knows right from wrong and what happens to sinners. We can only hope that his background is a moderating force. Don't assume that people can't change, even those who once advocated "advanced interrogation techniques." That said, I have reason to believe that Brennan knows full well that extrajudicially targeted Americans continue to be silently assaulted, tortured, impaired, mind controlled and slow-killed by a CIA-backed cell tower scalar electromagnetic radio frequency weapon system deployed on cell towers nationwide. What is Brennan doing about that? So far, apparently, nothing.
And I will try to forget that Brennan's voice, the cadence of his speech, his steely-jawed intonation, sounds exactly like that of the Air Force general played by Burt Lancaster in the movie, "Seven Days in May."
Yes, I subscribe to the idea that it is as you say ... maybe. However, given the purpose of a honeypot, which is "to be seen," it seems that making a comment there provides a more useful purpose than posting on a personal site, quite easily snipped from the network by fascist fiat!
Relative to any ability to keep a secret from the honeypot organizers Vic: what secret can you keep, in this sick system we're barely living in? None, of course. They know what we're doing, and we'll all be arrested eventually and beheaded by one of those guillotines they keep at every military base. But - that's a done deal, isn't it?
I have reason to believe that my work has generated internal investigations aimed at routing out waste, fraud,abuse, and human/civil rights violations -- and yes, the investigators likely are checking out not only sites like mine, but perhaps others.
Nothing is a "done deal" as far as I am concerned. Nor do I subscribe to your Chicken Little meme. Get an honest job, will you?
I was curious about this Facebook page. I cannot access it. I get a message that I am being blocked by a "third party extension." This appears to be more blatant censorship by the draconian censorship regime run by Lockheed Martin under USG contracts.
"They knew from Lockheed Martin’s 24/7 high-tech surveillance of my premises that I was headed out to that location ..." It's been on the net for years. People have conversations in their homes that are subsequently repeated back to them, on the street, by cell phone harrassers, and other strangers connected to the system. The surveillance is beyond sick. An experiment I've carried out in recent months has involved writing things on notebook paper (mostly in the form of memoirs, etc). I write inflammatory things - of a nature similar to what cyber-baiters might write on your blog. These written items are subsequently repeated back to me by the cell phone harassment team, spread all across the nation. So, indeed, the surveillance system is quite an interesting beast. Hell - maybe it was conceived by the beast. If there's an angle we can work - it will be related to the tracking aspect rather than the surveillance aspect. There is maybe an archilles heel there (see nowfact.com/cell-phones, etc)
Yes, you're aware that I don't work. Inheritance get's me by. You're making a futile statement about honest work. In this american society, controlled by fascist fiat, there is no such thing as honest work.
I have no privacy in any room in my house. Comments posted to my articles, even things repeated to my face by my stalkers, prove this beyond a reasonable doubt. They have commented on my anatomy and that of my wife. I cannot enjoy life knowing that I have no privacy. This has materially changed my life. The Barney Fifes and assorted goons at the MAGLOCLEN-RISS fusion center and Lockheed Martin have turned my life into their personal "Truman Show." I intend to bring them to justice with the help of some good people on the inside, and then I intend to sue them for MILLIONS as compensation for a life and a career destroyed...
I THINK even more inflammatory things, but those quotes never come back to me from the cell-phone toting hordes. Therefore - I don't think there's much mind reading going on, but there are no cameras either. VERY interesting.
The X band aperture radar apparently produces real-time 3D images and audio of any triangulated location, no cameras (in the traditional sense) required. Why would this operation "demonstrate" its technologies to me, knowing I will write about it? Because, I believe, some operatives WANT to be "caught." It's their only way for them to have a positive impact, by outing these technologies under the cover of surveilling me.
They have even shown me how they can use the scalar RF weapon system to make it "rain" indoors -- and to move objects via telekinesis. I have written about these phenonmena before, but it occurs to me that I should write a compilation article that describes the technological capabilities that Lockheed Martin operatives have demonstrated to me... on purpose, I believe... The forces of justice will take down this torture matrix FROM WITHIN.
I think the goons get a real thrill watching this technology tear people up. It's like a video game for them. In fact, it could be a result of the videogame culture. Like you, I'd like to see them all doing some good old low tech hard time in a federal prison. Unlike you, I have no faith that the federal goverment is not run by people who should be right there alongside the voyeurs, because they've trained and supplied them ... Best bet is exit visa while they can be had ...
And my "game" is to stay and fight them under the rule of law -- and win.
Your psyop is so transparent and lame. Get some honest work, will you?
In a surveillance/slave system such as what currently controls the U.S., and which constitutes a disease being rapidly spread into all of Europe, there is no motivation for creative people with creative talents. The fascists use the surveillance system to perform intellectual property theft. For this reason, I see an eventual brain drain out of the U.S. and Europe - to places historically less free, but now more ....
If these people were ever brought to justice (very unlikely IMO) you and I would be amazed at how they would appear at trial ... snivelling little snot-nosed cowards, begging for forgiveness. Such a sad scenario it would be, but is something I should easily imagine, because it's the usual way with psychopaths. We are talking about VERY little people.
They are being brought down from the inside as we speak... so effectively that you don't even realize it.
2:10pm -- Under ongoing, precision-targeted low-amplitude neuromodulation triangulated attack from cell tower weapon system, inducing ear-ringing head pain, extreme fatigue, weakness, inability to think/concentrate -- TORTURE, SUBJUGATION, INFLICTION OF HARM. Awoke to similar symptoms this morning. Overnight attack resulted in deep facial furrows, bloodshot eyes, blurry vision. Cataracts in both eyes from nine years of RF weapon attack. Last night, more forced sleep attacks via RF weapon neuromodulation, while trying to watch TV -- TORTURE, SUBJUGATION, DENIAL OF FREE WILL.
Lockheed operatives, acting under ILLEGAL ORDERS from U.S./fusion center/law enforcement officials, will not stop this heinous high-tech torture. ONLY A U.S. JUSTICE DEPT. ENFORCEMENT ACTION BACKED UP BY AN ARMED FBI RAID ON LOCKHEED CENTCOMS WILL STOP U.S. TORTURE OF ITS OWN CITIZENS. See:
One of the things the cell-goons like to poke me with is "finish your college education." I don't really give a fvk about my college education. I don't want one - as I'm not feeling the need to be turned into a droll orders-taking cell-phone drone/idiot. I really don't need the fascist system entrainment that college offers. I'd rather continue to be able to think clearly and use my brain. Secondly, I'm retirement age, anyway, so it's a dumbass idea.
People who go to college in this country get so much entrainment that they literally support the NWO bullsh!t system agenda all by themselves. They are taught that civilian society needs to be exactly like the military, and in fact have militarized the country on the basis of the college "training" they have received. They tap these poor, wretched students, drain them of all their creativity, goodness, ingenuity, and free spirit, and replace it with a thick, vile looking green liquid. I think it's embalming fluid.
Get an honest job, that is if you can find one where you are not harassed, intimidated and psyopped by paid goon squads and their minions intent on gaslighting you to the madhouse. Or where you haven't been put on list and blacklisted. That's what happens to those of us who do "honest work".
Well, I've investigated and verified it for myself.
A member of my family buy's the same item at the same store I go to for the same price, but their item is always fresh and tastes good - and that's been verified on numerous occasions so far.
9 times out of 10 the item I buy tastes like absolute pure crap.
Yes, they're switching the goods on TI's, and they can only do that by precise tracking technology and timing.
My opinion is that they're being told or ordered to do this, because it has happened to me personally at multiple venues.
So today's headlines are 'Nowfact is a honey-pot'. And we are in deep with heavy technology. Forgotten are the cupcakes of yesterday, when a mere light switch turned on and off could cause trauma. (Brighting c a n get on your nerves). I am still not convinced that a l l of this is gangstalking.
"That's what happens to those of us who do "honest work....." EXACTLY. It seems rather transparent that the goal of the cell-phone drones and all the other sordid goons is only to disembowel america. They're doing everything they can to kick the horse out from under the tree limb, and it's quite simply being done for the pretense necessary to install an official military dictatorship.
It's the reality reversing drugs that you're taking.
Vic is always telling me that I'm transparent. I have to hand the hat to this guy though. He wears it now. I'll go sit in the corner.
Psyops ain't what it used to be -- or was it ever? How many multibillions have been squandered on this pseudo-science used to witch-hunt innocent Americans for reasons of hate and ideology? Who was the guy who said, "Win with words"? What I see every day is the product of LOSERS and their cyberNazi Eddie Haskell/Neidermeyer overlords. "Yes sir -- may I have another!" (Lame "Animal House" reference...)
"It's quite simply being done for the pretense necessary to install an official military dictatorship....." Yep, and they're about three quarters through the procedure. Not a thing can be seen, up ahead, that might slow the blitzkrieg through the final quarter. Best best: exit visa.
Oh hi there. I don't think it's 'unseen forces' keeping him from responding to my tweets. I think it's his own personal snottiness.
I've just posted the first few paragraphs of this story to NowFact.com, with links back to the source: YARDLEY PA BAKERY SERVES UP SLICE OF COMMUNITY POLICING 'GASLIGHTING' PERSECUTION.
So he (Vic) will never be able to respond to ordinary tweets on twitter because multi-billiondollar gargoyles from CIA basements are suffocating his every move. Okay. I will ask my question here. He claimed he drove to the bakery to get discount cupcakes. Isn't it a long long drive from Morrisville to Yardley? Shouldn't he be getting his day old bread closer to home?
When I realized how many people had jumped onto the gang stalking bandwagon, I realized that humankind (now there's an oxymoron for ya) was not really of much interest for me anymore. Give me the dolphins, the sea lions ...
You mean the friendly neighborhood (watch) deli? The one where he can get double helpings of diabetes inducing chemical with every cupcake? "Sir, would you like that with or without spit?"
You are not going to get dolphins and sea lions. You are going to get sharks, millions of mosquitoes, gnats, snakes ... diseases you will have no medicine for.
Most ppl think Yardley is a soap.
That story is sooo old. It's about Ronald McDonald and the underpaid slaves who work there. They put boogers under the burger bun, mark the package and then have fun watching the patrons eating it. Very old joke.
My Twitter account is sabotaged in real time and when I try to post a tweet it generally reproduces only the first few words and then maybe a link. Yes, it is the censorship regime for sure.
Yeah, don't we know it. You're thinking women, huh.
And you are getting off your jollies just thinking about it, aren't you, cyberNazi?
Don't seem to remember that from the last trip. Maybe you're not going to the right place?
So, if Vic's thinking women, then your chromosomes make you think what? _______
I imagine the negotiations are ongoing at this very minute. On one end of the table, the google blog overlords have taken their places, and on the opposite end a coterie of feds do the same. One of the latter group stands, waving a sheaf of NSL letters. "They are a clear and present danger," says the bald one on the left. He had been waiting his whole life to perform his sophmoric rendition of that stolen movie script. Blushing slightly, he sat down ...
They must do it that way to make the TI feel crazy and sound crazy if they say anything about them switching goods at the store. LOL, sounds exactly like the symptoms of schizophrenia, mhmm.
Vic gets so upset over the "exit visa" strategy. But some of us are beginning to see the light.
The local tribal chief won't let you have sex with his daughter unless you marry her and she gets the green card to stay in ... where ... Chicago?
'Getting off your jollies' - was that the word for masturbation in 1957? On a more serious note, why do you guys always serenade your enemies? why don't you ever mention countermeasures. or show any evidence.
Vic is like the New York Daily News without New York City behind it.
Now, this is what I call news. All that's missing is a headless zombie fish story ... not.
Yes! But, have you SEEN the tribal chief's daughter???
word for masturbation .... What do you guys call it now? Is it still a singles thing?
I once promised myself I would never return to any site that used the word "booger."
Is there any intelligent life here?
Posted to Facebook page of Defense Intelligence Agency:
Should we non-fundamentalists be concerned about 1-10-13 (Thursday)?
News Release: NORAD air exercise over Northern CA Jan 10
WADS conducts air defense exercise over northern California
JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, Wash. -- The Western Air Defense Sector will conduct air defense exercise Felix Hawk over the Cloverdale area of northern California on Jan. 10, 2013.
Corinthians 1:10-13
New International Version (NIV)
A Church Divided Over Leaders
10 I appeal to you, brothers and sisters,[a] in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought. 11 My brothers and sisters, some from Chloe’s household have informed me that there are quarrels among you. 12 What I mean is this: One of you says, “I follow Paul”; another, “I follow Apollos”; another, “I follow Cephas[b]”; still another, “I follow Christ.”
13 Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul?
What is it that N.C.I.S. Special Agent Gibbs says about "coincidences" on the TV show?
"I don't believe in coincidences."
NOTE: The formatting of this posting was being maliciously sabotaged in real-time as I wrote this -- apparently by a draconian censorship regime run by LOCKHEED MARTIN under U.S. government contract(s). WHY?
Also... I first got wind of the 1-10-13 training exercise in a Facebook post to the NORD/US NORTHCOM page. The only comment posted after the notice was highly religious in nature, featuring a picture of a large cross. That is what piqued my curiosity about the possible significance of the date of the exercise. It was like someone WANTED me to take special note -- "telegraphing the punch" perhaps? LIKE LOCKHEED MARTIN CENSORS ALWAYS DO??
I see a future for you designing fortune cookie bits and horoscopes. I guess that's journalism of a sort.
Let's not get into that. This blog is S&M enough today.
Yeah, but Vic has that certain something that keeps making you come back. Even with booger bombardment.
Have you seen her mother, her aunts, her cousins? They all watch Greys Anatomy on the island's only TV. The one YOU brought them !!
Vic never talks about God.
I can't figure out how he never gets sued by people, such as the owners of Cramers? Maybe he has deep pockets and doesn't care
So, Northcom is gonna hit San Francisco? If they do, I'll eat the entire week's allotment of the eggs my dog usually eats, in one sitting.
That's the first thing I thought about when I read the story, isn't he worried they are going to sue him. But remember, he is in a deep dark hole. And you and me, we are in a cubicle cyber-torturing him. They will never get to see his story.
They would NEVER hit San Francisco. Too many boyfriends live there.
I would say gangstalkers do not believe in God. And they don't want their victims to, either. But the topic is about as uncomfortable as the jerk-off topic.
Makes you wonder if it has been inserted by the LOCKHEED MARTIN CYBERNAZI system? It is pretty seriously out of character for him ...
American theocracy, or American democracy? Who's really in charge, and why?
Oh, I'm sure Vic will be back later, typing in caps. Today, he seems to have accepted his new editor/publisher and his new would-be biographer, although they are nowhere near his batting league.
So, we can't go to the bakery without getting our cake spit on? That, my friends, is the least of our worries. Each of us should be taking a hard, brutally honest look about ourselves, at the landscape, at our surroundings, and see clearly that america is now nothing more than a souless, cold, dark surveillance state. It's a hackney, lawless place that provides no quality of life worth living. By no shred of lingering doubt, it stands as a habitat for the unfree. It is, coast to coast, a place of futility, a place desolately devoid of the dream. Why these words, harshly spoken? Because america's people have chosen to be unfree. Its people have opted for the slavery of the surveillance state. They have cut their loathesome deals, individually, and out of spinelessness, or out of laziness, or shrill greed, or whatever else seduced them in a trade for their souls. It's the people that make or break a country. The real americans are gone. I don't know where they've gone, but there is nary an echo in the canyon to remember them by. I don't know when the last one left, but now that he has, america is dead ... dead and gone.
I rarely eat at restaurants anymore. The last time I did, the barkeep was having a conversation with a customer at the bar. The customer remarked "this is good, it would be hard to ruin a sandwich like this", and the barkeep replied "unless you put something extra in the sauce". I cautiously opened up my sandwich and peeked inside right after it's arrival, it looked okay ... but ...
Is the new world war person the same as the nowfact person the same as the south pacific person? to be cont. ...
There is no reason to stay in america. There is no reason I can fathom, that could justify in any way, by any metric, continued self-infliction of the damages of residency here. I see only utter futility in Vic's writing. Nobody has the ears to listen. They've chosen their fates, and now we should go and choose ours, far away from here. Why live with soulless creatures whose every breath makes them unhappy, and continued only to induce the same malaise in others? This is a matter far in excess of happiness or melancholy. No - It is without question a matter of the mortality of each and every one of us. We joke, but it is not a joking matter. We cannot substitute gallows humor for common sense. We should leave. Now.
Hello, I noticed your comment about NowFact.
NowFact.com is run by a TI who is not the same person as the "newworldwar.org person" (Mark Rich) or the "South Pacific person".
Many come here to dip their toes into the waters. They hope that by vicarious participation with Vic, as he rants and rages, and by comradery embued by the pokes and prods of fellow commentors, the racket they make will magically avert the evil oppression. Tomorrow it will be gone! But no such plan has a reality. The reality is that you came here because you believe. You believe something is wrong. You KNOW something is very wrong. Yet, while you believe, you also do not WANT to believe, and so you lock yourselves into a circular pattern of denial ... every day coming back for a fix. Time goes by, days go by, and the situation worsens. There is no time for dalliance, denial, and delay. Leave while you can!
The gates will not always be open.
okay thnx :)
Why should TIs not want or need companionship?
Who is deleting my comments? Vic or Lockheed Martin or both?
Vic's buttons, after all, are often disabled ...
yep, they're gonna lock it down like a leper penal colony. it's already 3/4 of the way there.............
Doing some preliminary planning right now. OMG. Just thought of this, what happens to our social security after we leave, can we still get our SSI retirement payments outside the country?
If you're worried about four dollars a week, you've got more planning ahead of you than you thought.
I always wondered about that. But, www.newworldwar.org opened my eyes. Why not let them go, if they don't like you? It's because the of the psychopathy that usually drives fascism and other forms of totalitarianism. They like to kill people.
Non Sequitor
I'd never poison the minds of the beautiful people.
"That extra essence in the sauce" ..... a joke for most of the population ..... a nightmare for the rest of us .... don't take your cell phone (or its battery) to the restaurant.
I think a big part of the surveillance game here is intellectual property theft. The government basically runs a theft ring. This comes on the heels of news they run a drug ring. Seems to be a pattern.
Gangstalkers are psychopaths, and psychopaths do not believe in God.
The stalkers take pride both in the psychopathy and the atheism. They see belief in God as weakness, and are naturally driven to exploit weakness. Hence, they enjoy tormenting believers. They will sometimes feign the role of pastor, just to put themselves in position to do this. These people also believe in the motto "survival of the fittest," and are very comfortable with the idea of killing all those they deem "unfit." This is all very dreary repeated history, I might add.
See www.newworldwar.org
Psychiatry has never had a solution for psychopaths. It's a genetic trait, and incurable. Also, there is no known medication to restore the "conscience." The psychopaths did have a solution for psychiatry however. They took it over.
We've never had a democracy. A democracy is impossible, because the average human intelligence level makes it unsustainable. We started a republic, which in my sense of things is the only possible configuration supportive of freedom. A republic may or may not allow freedom to work, but there is no guarantee. A republic may be taken over, behind the scenes, by a "theocracy." Similarly, a republic can be taken over, behind the scenes, by communists. Lastly, a republic may be taken over, behind the scenes, by fascists. It's the latter effect we're dealing with. Any tones of theocracy or socialism are given in jest, I assure you.
The fascist censorship regime run by Lockheed Martin for USG agencies/commands has maliciously changed the password to my account at Politico(dot)com and has DISAPPEARED the option to change the password on my Account Settings page on the site. THIS IS HOW A FASCIST COVERT MILITARY-INTEL DICTATORSHIP CENSORS AND CONTROLS THE INTERNET CONTENT OF JOURNALISTS AND CITIZENS THAT IT DEEMS TO BE 'DISSIDENTS':
When cyberNazi terrorists post data that endangers my personal safety and security and that of my family, I will take steps to delete such information. If it continues, I will consider other remedies available to me under the law.
Vic deleted a post to a video showing the exterior of his house. That is QUITE understandable, IMO. What nutjob would have posted such a video? Don't answer, you may incriminate yourself. On nowfact, someone posited a question, asking "Has America crossed the Rubicon?" My response: The proverbial line in the sand? Poor analogy. We have, on one side, a skeletal hodge podge assemblage of free thinkers, whose meetings are easily accomodated inside of the Olde Lodge. We are unarmed. On the other side, along with catapult wagons stretching to the horizon, we have five score divisions of Roman centurions, equipped with razor stubble fist bands, big shields, long lances, and tall horses. Methinks it’s no Rubicon. We should just leave, and fish for our well appreciated dinners in the clear waters, blue and bright to forty meters …
That was - as far as I can tell - not his house. There is a personal address of his online and easy to find, and I typed it into youtube. Two houses on the same street were for sale. So what? he doesn't have to be some kind of total victim. I live in a large house, too. What about the person (nowfact, newworldwar or southpacific) who on twitter posts pictures of v e r y expensive sports cars and nude women in all kinds of v e r b o t e n positions? What about him?
The intellectual property theft angle makes sense to me, and may explain why I have received not a single piece of outside mail, or not a single donation, at my PO box 91, Morrisville, PA 19067. I have reason to be concerned that my mail is being systematically intercepted and perhaps stolen by insiders, with the apparent blessings of Falls Township PA police, who have it in for me ever since I wrote about my assault and false arrests at the hands of thugs on their force. I now live in fear everytime I drive in that township, and my concern extends to family members. The Justice Dept's Civil Rights Division would find much that's wrong in Bucks County PA and surrounding counties in PA and DE.
So has Vic stopped going to Cramer's altogether?
Non sequitur. You should see to it personal info of yours is not that readily available on the web.
It was not my house.
Yeah... and I strongly suspect that taxpayer-funded defense contractor operatives purposely are putting my personal information online -- not just my address, but even the longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates, facilitating remote electromagnetic attack of my property. I believe that's already happened. See:
I'll be back. I want to talk to Tom about this. I want to see if he will apologize, or if he will insist that it never happened. Also, I like their cake (assuming it hasn't been tainted).
Everybody has stuff - but psychopaths are more likely to flaunt it - as it drives their domination egos.
Yep - I've decided never to own a sports car.
Yep. those cakes on their website look absolutely delicious.
The Cramer brothers should NOT stand by as thugs with guns and badges and titles and an army of citizen goons abuse their longtime customers who happen to be the targets of hate- and ideology-driven persecution.
(NOTE: I wrote "should not stand by" but it came out without the "not" when I first posted this. Real-time cyberNazi goons are watching my every keystroke, and they "sabotage at will." How much does this malicious, psychopathic "surveillance" cost American taxpayers? These operatives and their overlords are fascist criminals, the true "enemies of the state.")
I noticed, Vic, that you managed to get rid of the Muslim dating service ads. Did you expressly ask for their removal? I see a few other ads on the top of the page. Most of those seem relatively benign compared to past listings. Maybe you had words with them? I wonder if blogspot shares the ad revenue?
You can't really own anything because the freaks will target anything close to your heart. or your wallet.
That's true. They completely trashed a couple of my vehicles.
The ads almost certainly were directed to my page by the same Lockheed Martin cyber-terrorists (and/or their USG overlords) who hack my page counts and STEAL any revenues that this site has earned. PSYCHOPATH CRIMINALS. And most likely, they are paying the checks of most (or all) of those who post here.
NowFact.com is on twitter:
Religion and fascism go hand in hand. Religions believe in killing for God and they have done so all along history and are doing it today everywhere they can. Religious beliefs and ideology are in complete accordance with fascism.
We had a string of costly repairs this year. Hard to say if they were necessary. Anyway, the car doesn't run no more.
If you guys could do a softer version of your stories, it'd be easier to retweet or build a fan base. But you know that, right?
Dana Scully, at your service. We're as broke as you are. We just don't get to whine about it.
What propaganda were the Cramer brothers and their employees told about you that caused them to gaslight you like that?
When you talk to Tom you must ask him about it, and let us all know what he tells you.
Thank you for the suggestion. But when you say "softer version or your stories", what do you mean?
Most of the stories written by NowFact staff are straight reporting, such as Mass Secret Torture Of American Citizens Confirmed By CIA Engineer
How would you do a "softer version" of that?
And Vic Livington's stories are often largely straight reporting too, such as this story about his gaslighting abuse at a bakery he has patronized for over twenty years.
As Governor Ventura said "we’ve shined a light on these rats”.
They never tell.
I forgot to mention that NowFact.com welcomes the "softer version", and all versions, of the story.
Join NowFact now and tell the "softer version" of the story, build a fan base for your channel.
You might be the one who’s able to make a difference.
When government-paid cyber-terrorists control my connection and have the power to hijack my IP address and post things in my name as a frame-up/set-up M.O.? Yeah, right. Blame the victim meme -- lame psyops 101.
I don't think the local cops and firefighters and muni workers who captain the neighborhood "watch" goon squads need to tell them much -- just that the "target" is "under investigation." One local merchant that my family has patronized for years refuses to go along with this slander campaign. It is possible to break this cycle of hate-driven sociopathology. That's my goal here.
Well, when the people I know personally are able to post here, then maybe I'll believe you.
Well, you could throw in a couple stories about school bullying, workplace mobbing, single stalking ... laws. Stories ordinary ppl (non-TIs) can relate to. Not an option?
I don't always want to be the one to criticize and mock and poke fun at. but I would assume you have two or three blogs, and the people you know personally just can't access this blog. You might have some kind of double life. You're maybe a really nice guy, but you miss the reporting life and the narcissistic kick of publishing. Why would we believe otherwise? I know, I know, cause we're GOONS.
Addendum: If anyone should talk to the Cramer Bakery owners, it should be an FBI agent representing the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department, preferably under oath or with the proviso that lying to a federal agent is a felony.
A tacit admission of censorship activities? Vic's lucky day. He needs the IP address information ASAP.
"Double life." You are a libeling goon, too... I have been under constant electronic surveillance, audio and video, for YEARS. Unless they're surveilling a body double in an elaborate frame-up scheme, insiders with integrity know you are blowing the sick, psychopathic smoke of libeling psyops. IT IS A CRIME AND A FRAUD THAT TAXPAYERS ARE PAYING YOUR FREIGHT, YOU MILITARY CONTRACTOR TERRORIST.
"I don't always want to be the one to criticize and mock and poke fun at. but I would assume you have two or three blogs ..." So, we take it that the other blogs do not expose the mil/intel/security state apparatus? So, they're OK? But this one is not? By your full admission?
Yes it's an option, and a great idea for one of our next stories
After many years of this, surely you must know that constant questions, constant scrutiny is the order of the day. They can't be wrong. You are nuts. So when they realize you are indeed not nuts, they go looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack. Didn't you see a question like this coming? Seriously. What kind of writers are you? There are a million pesky readers out there, the ladies of the book clubs, ready to tear your work to shreds. (I think I'll be getting out of here, before I get abused again.) Why can't Vic have other blogs? He could have seven blogs. That's his business. Just when he claims ppl he knows personally can't post to this blog, it is then that I have the right to not believe him.
I still don't get how they can keep you guys cloistered until the dog and pony session. Virginia isn't that desolate, is it?
Once again, I have found an item on my workdesk that is not mine and that I did not place on my desk. It is a pen from "Bayada Nurses." Earlier this week, I found a pen from "Philadelphia Free Library" that magically appeared in the kitchen. Usually, pens that we DID leave around are stolen. Other personal items kept in upstairs rooms continue to be vandalized. It is apparent that home intruders continue to surreptitiously enter our premises overnight, while we are kept "under" in a deep sleep state via cell tower electromagnetic weapon "neuromodulation." Foreign items are left in our living quarters with the express purpose of TERRORIZING us.
Lower Makefield Twp., Bucks County PA Police, for years, have turned a deaf ear to my pleas for a hate crimes investigation, as has the Philadelphia office of the FBI. No wonder -- police- and fed-directed neighborhood watch vigilantes, and military contractor black ops operatives who apparently work under the direction of fusion center agencies and commands -- are the apparent source of this domestic terrorism.
Federal "threat fusion center" agencies and commands and their state and local law enforcement and corporate partners are conducting an ideology- and hate-driven slow-kill domestic genocide under the false flags of the wars on terror and crime -- enabled by the naivety of those who believe "it can't happen here."
Just now, an ad for a specific brand of baby diaper used by a family member recently in my office area popped up on my Verizon email page. I have not purchased diapers in recent years, and my internet account is in my name. I believe that military contractor operatives who are doing keystroke-by-keystroke real-time surveillance of this journalist are doing ANOTHER SADISTIC, CRIMINAL PSYOP. IT NEVER STOPS.
Truthfully, I'm not sure these stories do much good, because the crooks are never caught. In a way, I'm certain that the perpetrators feed on these stories, much as "son of sam" fed on the media spotlight on his murders. He enjoyed taunting police. In our case, the police don't factor in (as least not on our side), so they use the comment section to work us over. Then, Vic exaggerates a little bit, for effect, and that just greases their wheels all the more. It's a little bit futile, because of the percentage of the public that thinks it's OK to do the WWII bit on us. Short memory, I guess. Leaving is the only real option here. I don't mean leaving Milwaukee, cause this is coast to coast. We need to be packing malaria immunizations, and get on our way ...
Repeating for the Niedermeyer/Eddie Haskell psyops supervisors:
OMG. The fratboy CyberNazis so lamely and obviously repeat ad nauseum the "Get out of our country!" meme -- so obvious that I believe they are really giving a linguistic finger to the Eddie Haskell/Neidermeyer supervisors who issue the orders for this disingenuous "leave now!" agit-propaganda. I wouldn't give the Niedermayers among the mil-intel cabal the satisfaction! I'd rather die defending what this nation stands for then give in to American fascists.
Some people just can't stand peace, prosperity, and leaving others alone. When the traditional scape goats aren't available, they make up new ones. Isn't technology just the real deal? See www.newworldwar.org
Locking people out of stores is just so ... Jim Crow era. What do they do when you try to get on a bus Vic? It's the same old crap, my friend.
Especially in a region that openly and willingly serves as a safe harbor for hate-mongers and ideologues who use politics as a pretext to conduct a hate-driven "social cleansing." The Civil Rights Division needs to MAKE AN EXAMPLE OF THE MAGLOCLEN-RISS FUSION CENTER, ITS 'PARTNER' AGENCIES, COMMANDS AND CORPORATIONS, AND BUCKS COUNTY PA -- THE EAST COAST CENTCOM OF THE AMERICAN FUSION CENTER GESTAPO.
Don't tell me that I'm the only one who noticed it, or am I? But why is the "baby" meme used so often in these psyops?
At least today, I wasn't call DRECK or GOON for asking a question, or having an opinion. (And how many blogs do you have pony-boy, under how many alias-es?)
I have never had anything 'baby'. What I get often is siblings, and one sibling is stronger, the other weaker. Stronger eats weaker. Of course. Sort of like a Cain and Abel thing, a mockery of fairness.
I don't think they run a bus where he lives.
Most people read that material was left in your home. The immediate reaction might be something along the lines of "big deal." Somehow, the issue of invading your personal space, and violating the sanctity of your home never registers with them. It's probably the sodium fluoride. I should imagine they're quite promiscuous.
If your wife or daughter or another person uses your computer to log into a subject-related page, google adsense will pick it up. Then, later, you'll see the ads when you log into your pages.
He knows that. This is the type of thing that's designed to make someone look bad. When this happens to me (something of the nature) I get the eyes rolled to the ceiling she's paranoid routine. Again, it's the paper cuts. One incident like this alone is nothing, its the constant accumulation/ violation of privacy that is so unnerving.
Buy a whole bunch of pens. Scatter them throughout your place. Let them work for it.
No one else has used this computer but I for many months. Your over-reach for plausible deniability is as lame as your tradecraft. Get another job before yours is eliminated.
This is funny to you, isn't it, you pathetic, sick, pathological military contractor psyops blog-spamming PARASITE.
Here we go. it's name-calling time. that's what happens when you live alone in your ivory tower.
Yep, it's called "Eat or be eaten". Or the older version, "The weak are meat the strong do eat".
"He ain't heavy ... he's my brother ..."
I don't think we made much progress today. But Vic doesn't so much care about countermeasures or evidence. He doesn't report improvements. He doesn't seem to be interested in discussions, least of all, he wants no supportive comments whatsoever. So is he really a victim of gangstalking and electronic torture? Or does he only claim to be a victim? If he is making all of this up, what are his motives in doing so? Is he himself an employee of the government, paid to make real targeted individuals look crazy? We can't really be sure. Stay tuned, blog audience, for tomorrow's episode of Vic and his blogspammers ...
re: "I don't think we made much progress today. But Vic doesn't so much care about countermeasures or evidence."
For TI's, safeguarding your sanity and exposing secret government and community persecution, abuse and gaslighting are the most effective countermeasures. Giving up the fight and leaving the country is the cowards way out - don't you want to be a hero?
Okay, now I understand why they use the "baby" meme.
Look up "White Rose Society" in your search engine. Notably, the wiki entries.
Where's the tag, "We are the fusion center Lockheed Martin black ops Gestapo and we approved this message" -- ?
In the article linked below, I mention the near-constant home intrusions, vandalism, financial sabotage and stalking that I have suffered for more than nine years. Now, once again, some valued hobby equipment has been vandalized. The gear was kept in an upstairs bedroom. Neither Lower Makefield Twp, Bucks County, PA police nor any other law enforcement agency, local, state or federal, will formally investigate the hate crimes that have been committed against me and my interests for nearly a decade.
Federal "threat fusion center" agencies and commands and their state and local law enforcement and corporate partners are conducting an ideology- and hate-driven slow-kill domestic genocide under the false flags of the wars on terror and crime -- enabled by the naivety of those who believe "it can't happen here."
"Countermeasures" -- like hide under a tinfoil blanket. This is not a threat, this is a promise: I am helping some good people on the inside take down your "program" -- hard. Is your resume in order tonight? That's the "countermeasure" I recommend for you, paid cyberNazi goon.
Hey -- he got me to respond, TWICE. Give him a Gold Swastika!
(Re-posted to correct typos and errors inserted by Lockheed Martin contract operatives, just because they can):
Hey, pal: The good feds are on MY side. As for the good Lockheed Martin executives -- that seems to be an oxymoron. Kind of like much of their contracted "military intelligence" and lame psyops work product.
Was the man who drove to the Morrisville, Bucks County, PA Giant supermarket Wednesday afternoon (Jan. 9, 2013) shortly before 5 pm in a sport utility vehicle marked "Middletown (Bucks County PA) Fire Marshal" the same man who apparently was stalking me at about 4:50pm as I was doing some banking at the bank branch inside the store -- leaning over the right side of the bank counter, lingering for more than a short moment, ostensibly to read a poster on the wall, as I stood waiting nearby in the teller's line?
The image of the apparent stalker, who was carrying a plastic supermarket basket containing a couple of food items, almost certainly was captured on the bank branches' video surveillance system. Does this man work for the Middletown Fire Marshal? Was the Middletown fire marshal the apparent supermarket stalker? If the man works for that department, does he routinely do his supermarket shopping in Morrisville, a considerable distance to the north of Middletown?
I believe the citizens of MIddletown, as well as I, deserve to know whether a municipal employee is using a township vehicle to commit a criminal act -- STALKING -- outside of his jurisdiction, and whether a municipal employee was committing a hate crime while "on the clock," during his work hours.
In Bucks County, PA, it appears that a sizable number of public employees are engaging in serial hate crimes under the cloak of community policing -- using their status as municipal employees as a convenient cover for the serial persecution of citizens who have been extrajudicially targeted by government agencies and commands as "dissidents," "undesirables, "pre-criminals," or "mentally ill," often for reasons of hate and ideology. It also appears that supervisory personnel and local police are aware of this activity and do little to nothing to stop it.
Perhaps the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, through the auspices of the Philadelphia field office of the FBI, should be investigating this matter -- not only in Bucks County, PA, the headquarters of the MAGLOCLEN-RISS fusion center, which apparently coordinates the logistics of this activity by way of Lockheed Martin contract personnel -- but throughout the United States. It is inconceivable that the FBI is not aware of the fact that most "stranger stalking" is GOVERNMENT-ENABLED.
You've been boiling in the pot too long Vic. If we look into your eyes (or for that matter, if I look into the mirror), we will each see the tiny bubbles forming in our pupils. Really, let's talk about this. They are watching you and your family every night, and me and my family in our bedrooms and our bathrooms. If you discretely pick a booger in the bathroom, and wipe it on a piece of toilet paper, it will be noticed. It's not coming from any planted cameras. This, we know, but we don't know what makes their surveillance work. We're not government contracted scientists. We never will be. Yet, we're not stupid. We only know it's not our imaginations. They make sure we know it's not our imaginations because ... Later, on the street, a cell phone carrying goon will advise you (or me) that we should just blow our noses directly. Who in their right minds would put up with this, and not leave poste haste? You and I - both - should leave now. Maybe I can make room for you on my boat for you. How many "others" do you need to take along?
I'm pretty sure that Jefferson and Monroe would have accepted my offer ... assuming they could even get their heads around it ...
If enough of us just leave, then they'll slowly concentrate their kind, and eventually get around to eating each other. Nature will clean itself up. Who knows - that may make it possible to come back someday, to view the wastelands. Where I'm going, I'm not likely to feel much compunction to do that though ...
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