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Hiding in plain sight: an awesome radio frequency directed energy weapon system capable of silent torture/impairment attacks on extrajudicially "targeted" American citizens. |
Not a single member of the Washington DC press corps has asked the White House about the nationwide system of extrajudicial punishment that ranges from community-based "gangstalking" to financial sabotage and covert electromagnetic weapon assault, impairment, torture and subjugation/"behavior (mind) control".
The last reporter to ask a high government official about electromagnetic weaponry was Norah O'Donnell, who put the question to then defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld at a Pentagon briefing. His answer appeared to confirm reports that such weaponry has been deployed and used in warfare (at that time, in Iraq). No reporter that I know of has followed up.
I firmly believe that the White House cannot deny the existence of a nationwide program of extrajudicial punishment and electromagnetic weapon torture. If reporters would ask, they might be surprised at the "no comment" or "non-denial denials" they would get. I published the following on the White House website, directed to President Obama:
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"Obama debate trance": rogue celltower neuroweapon attack? |
The targets of this covert program are thousands of Americans who have been extrajudicially condemned as "dissidents" or "undesirables". It also appears that elected and appointed officials have been attacked, and subjected to forced sleep, extreme fatigue, stabbing head and body pains, skin changes, as well as induction of "subaural suggestion."
This weapon system is publicly patented (U.S. Patent 7629918, held by Raytheon, is a key patent.) The attack grid is administered by Lockheed Martin contract personnel for U.S. Cyber Command, my reporting has revealed.
You must act immediately to disarm the war criminals within who are using this weapon grid in a covert "social cleansing" that amounts to a slowkill genocide. Also, you must ensure that those who have grievously misused this weapon system answer for their crimes in a court of law.
Please ask Vice President Biden whether he believes this classified (but publicly patented) weapon system could be responsible for covert attacks on high-ranking political leaders. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.
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"Joe Biden Syndrome": rogue elements force-sleep Veep at public meetings? |
I have made repeated attempts to bring this matter to the attention of high-ranking officials for five years, and my efforts are known to certain personnel within the FBI as well as other government security agencies and commands, some of which are not pleased with my activist role in this matter -- to say the least.
P.S. This nationwide phased array antenna radio frequency directed energy weapon grid also can "alter atmospheric conditions", according to U.S. Patent 7629918, held by Raytheon. In other words, the grid can spawn, modify, intensify or mitigate the weather and climate of planet Earth. The implications of this fact are nothing less than profound. More on that in an upcoming article.
1 – 200 of 1187 Newer› Newest»Got tweet threat last wk re "accidents"-y-day wife fell in prking lot-today doc says unusual amt of wrist swelling-RF #neuroweapon attk?
Don't think darkside secret team rogues attack family members of their targets? Read this and think about it:
My partner was punished for not leaving or 'turning'.
My net searches severely CENSORED by @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com censors-subjects like weather modification yield little to no links #FASCISM
I see only 2 comments to new @nytimes editorial on @CIA-my comment censored-& can't see OTHERS' comments #CENSORSHIP viclivingston.blogspot.com/2013/06/us-cyber-commandlockheed-martin.html
The formatting of my entire site has been hacked and corrupted. The chronology of monthly stories has been deleted and/or moved to the bottom of the page. Pictures have been re-sized, with the malicious insertion of big black borders. Only Lockheed Martin/U.S. Cyber Command and its assigns have the motive, means and opportunity to mount a destructive attack on my journalism.
THIS IS FASCISM. If the page is restored after the posting of this notice, then the torture matrix has been caught once again committing malicious "psyops" on this citizen.
Last night the following comment was posted in the comments section of the previous lede article posted to this site (viclivingston.blogspot.com/2014/03/bucks-pa-journo-vic-livingston-home.html):
Anonymous said...
Hi, just your typical branded sociopath criminal here.
In fact, there where so many comments like that getting thrown around the last couple weeks at the gym I couldn't keep up. Like they were rubbing it in real good. Not sure if I'm going back to that gym again. I don't need to hear that crap. That's one way they break you. With a branding iron.
The "branding" to which this psychopath refers is felonious assault with an electromagnetic radio frequency weapon -- targeted mutilation of human beings' bodies/organs. The psychopath operatives of the Lockheed Martin /U.S. Cyber Command torture matrix literally brand their targets by using a multibilliondollar RFDE weapon system to etch deep crevices and depressions on the faces and bodies of their victims, who are targeted ("illuminated") via backscatter radiation "synthetic aperature" radar.
This is why President Obama exhibits a deep horizontal crease across his chin -- a typical "mark of the beast" branding by these military-intelligence contractor sociopaths and their equally depraved overlords, who knowingly allow them perform their sadistic, injurious mutilations.
This journalist has been mutilated in this manner for ten years -- all over his body, including his sex organs and his digestive tract. I have published side-by-side photos showing how I looked in 2001, compared to my appearance in 2013. The photos speak for themselves:
If readers cannot access the link above, it is because the sociopath torturers control my telecommunications and are engaged in a criminal conspiracy to cover up their war crimes. ALSO: I am being blocked from saving this comment to my computer hard drive. The "save" function has been disabled. Nothing happens when I hit the "save" icon.
At this very moment, being dosed w/high levels of RF radiation via #celltwr #neuroweapon attk by @LockheedMartin war criminalsBURN/STAB PAIN
7:24 PM - 1 Aug 2014
Sat Aug 2 Princeton NJ, about 11:10am -- While parking car, sevre celltwr #neuroweapon brain attk induced transient ischemic attack (mini-stroke) -- extreme pain, vertigo, "brain bleed" feeling, blurry vision, many dark "floaters" in field of vision. Sat in car at least 5 min, feared permanent impairment. Got out of car, could barely walk. Took another 5-10 min before head pain/vertigo subsided enough to walk to center of town. When I got to Nassau and Witherspoon Sts, two emergency vehicles with sirens wailing pulled up at the intersection(Princetown Fire Dept. and Capitol Health). EMTs got out, carried portable equipment from Capitol Health ambulance to FD truck -- did NOT treat ANY patient. It appears this EMT run was a sadistic fusion center- devised stunt, a sick "follow-up" to the TIA attack that happened within the same hour.
It is now Monday morning shortly after 11 am and I am still feeling the effects of this attack -- vertigo, head pain. Also, the deep crevices and impressions etched into my face by Lockheed Martin/Cyber com cyberwar criminals are even more pronounced.
THE ENTITIES WHO HAVE BEEN TORTURING AND HARMING ME FOR TEN YEARS ARE NOW TRYING TO SILENCE ME VIA THE INFLICTION OF SEVERE IMPAIRMENT. I recovered from severe daily debilitating RF attacks against me from 2004 through 2007. The attacks never stopped, but the severity diminished enough to allow me to regain functionality.
@LockheedMartin /@Cyber com celltwr #neuroweapon slowkill torture of extralegally targeted Americans: jrno pic.twitter.com/Eb6TdJmbgD
1:30-2pm Another @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com frcd-sleep attk while watching WH presser-awoke extrme fatigue/head pain viclivingston.blogspot.com/2011/12/u.html
My Twitter posts often subject to L-O-N-G delay b/4 posting, giving mil-intel censors time to construct a FAKE, SPOOFED pg fooling target into thinking post went up on Twitter when it was deep-sixed.
Fortunately, some of my links appntly have gotten through to some big insiders who apparently are tracking my page in real-time. Call it a noble use of "surveillance".
The little-mentioned dirty secret is that law enforcement abets and participates in a HATE CULT that includes Satanists, racists, neo-Nazis, virulent Jew-haters. Bucks County PA and surrounding counties in both PA and NJ are safe havens for these hate-mongers.
I believe this cult has murdered at least one Bucks County Jew, Michael Dolnick, 32, by stalking him from PA to a NJ marina, where gasoline was introduced into the bilge of the docked boat in which he was sleeping. He was found dead on July 1, 2008. The official police report called it an accident, and the case was neatly tied up with a bow.
The FBI never investigated this case. Someone should be asking why. It's not too late. The likely killers are out there. Investigators might start by questioning the firemen who responded to the marina after the body was discovered. The victim's name was Michael Dolnick. The Asbury Park Press reported the death in a short article archive.app.com/article/20080701/NEWS/80701052/Pa-man-found-dead-boat-Waretown
But a longer article, which mentioned that gasoline was found in the bilge of his boat, HAS GONE MISSING FROM THE INTERNET -- at least over my censored connection.
I believe the absence of the story I read six years ago may be part of a CRIMINAL COVER-UP.
Still get malicious "hoo-hoo" birdcall #psyop when I step outside in Lwr MakefieldTwpBucksCoPA-haven for cop-enabled "gangstalker" hate cult
Early this am-another wee hrs pulsed radio freq #neuroweapon attk induced rapid heartbeat-did not stop until I made telephonic note of attk.
TEXT OF NOT-SO-VEILED DEATH THREAT AGAINST ME, posting to a comment I made to a CNN.com story about a "second U.S. government mole" said to be leaking documents to Glenn Greenwald's TheIntercept.com:
Design Siemens
Close my friend. Not much time left.
Link to the story/comment (possibly a spoofed page:
@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com redirects @Comcast cust servce calls frm extralegally targeted citizens:vet jrno
Posted earlier today to my Google Plus page plus.google.com/102531571627077357429
(That's right; I'm a number, not a name, due to the fascist censorship regime)
BLOCKED FROM POSTING TO Twitter.com/comcastcares to report freq service interrupts-appnt re-directs of 800 calls to @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com sabotage unit-guy who answered last night said: "This is Al from cable repair." That's NOT the official Comcast script!
Just discovered that leftovers in container in frig taste FOUL, METALLIC TASTE. I consumed a small quantity of the food before spitting out what remained in my mouth. One corner of plastic container was raised; I had carefully sealed the Tupperware-like container last night.
I have no doubt the food was POISONED. I also have no doubt that I cannot trust local police to investigate. Instead, local officers surely would turn around the situation and use it as "evidence" that I am "paranoid."
Law enforcement has engendered an "anything goes" mentality among persons predisposed to hate, persons predisposed to believe anything they are told by authority figures.
This is not the first time that food has been poisoned/tainted. I called local police about apparently tainted bottles of water that were stored in my garage. I left a message with the local police chief, and followed up a day or two later. I got NO response.
I believe my life is in danger, and I fault local law enforcement for its failure to investigate my complaints of home intrusions, vandalism and apparent acts of poisoning.
The rule of law is read in Lower Makefield Twp, Bucks County PA and the entire surrounding tristate region. Law enforcement here seems more preoccupied with trying to drive this 23-year resident out of town than it is concerned about maintaining law and order. Blaming the feds for insisting on "hands off" IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. IT IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR DERELICTION OF DUTY.
An apparent psyop agent posting above references my grandchildren. Then minutes later I get an anonymous email generated by a comment to another article referencing "best booster car seat."
This Nazi program is delivering sadistic threats via this "directed messaging". Are they just idle threats, or is my safety and that of my family endangered?
I fear it is the latter. I am leaving up the faux empathetic comment above to illustrate how this venal program delivers its veiled threats while maintaining plausible deniability.
In above post about food poisoning, I wrote "The rule of law is dead..." It came out "the rule of law is read..."
This is how @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com sociopaths force me to re-post (also creating "clutter" in my Twitter and social media feeds). they insert "typos" in real-time as I post. Happens nearly every day.
2:42-3:42pm Frcd-sleep attk by @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com WAR CRIMINALS-extr fatigue/weak/head pain/weakness-TORTURE
#Zersetzung not #gangstalking-Bob Levin's article explains:
My opinion is that mainstream media would take the issue of secret extrajudicial punishment far more seriously if it weren't for the extravagant claims of electromagnetic weapon torture that some of you wildly propagate. The electromagnetic weapon issue is far more subjective and speculative than the gangstalking issue. You might want to say that gangstalking can induce real physiological and psychosomatic sympoms in the victim that feel like EMF torture, because it's true. That's my opinion.
Comment posted Aug. 7 @ 9:12pm reflects the venal methodology of the American Stasi: use electromagnetic weapon attack to induce symptoms of physical and mental distress, then slander victims, even journalists among them, as delusional when they expose the patented technology behind the genocidal slowkill attacks.
This commenter: an obvious paid military contractor disinformationist/psyop agent -- virtually the only types who can get through the fascist censorship filter to post here.
More sudden cable TV outages this am. Over-the-air digital TV signals via antenna also blocked. The odds of both modes of transmission failing at the same time are extremely small. By a preponderance of evidence gathered over a period of years, it is apparent that the military contractor- administered persecution matrix uses high-tech radio frequency disruption of telecommunications/consumer electronics as a psyops (psychological operations) weapon. When I tried to send a tweet to a top Comcast cable executive with whom I am personally acquainted, his name failed to come up in a Twitter search -- until I wrote about it. Then his name came up in the search engine. But did he actually receive my tweet? Doubtful.
Cable service has been out all morning. Over the air reception was blocked/jammed until I called the Comcast customer service line to complain. (It is obvious that my calls to customer service numbers are redirected to a special military contractor harassment unit, possibly unbeknownst to telecom executives.) The corporate reputation of telecom companies is dragged through the mud by this nationwide, fascist mil-intel censorship/tampering/harassment regime:
Also this morning: more vehicle stalkers outside my house. While walking dog, white cargo van PA lic.# YVD-7212, bears down on me traveling west to east, then veers away at the last minute. This dangerous intimidation tactic has been used on me regularly. A short time later, another cargo van passed by, followed by PA GHN 8565 following close behind. Neither vehicle stopped anywhere on the block, but proceeded down the length of the street and then exited the neighborhood. Also: I found on the driveway a Home Depot receipt for some small items I purchased in Feburary 2012. This receipt obviously was intended to let me know once again that the security/law enforcement- devised zersetzung Stasi has penetrated my home and my records -- a sociopathic message of intimidation.
'ZERSETZUNG': (German; variously translated as decomposition, corrosion, undermining, or dissolution) was a working technique of the East German secret police, the Stasi. The "measures of Zersetzung", defined in the framework of a directive on police procedures in 1976,[1] were effectively used in the context of so-called "operational procedures" (in German Operative Vorgänge or OV). Source: Wikipedia
10:16am -- My Twitter page message box still grayed out, effectively censoring/blocking my ability to make Twitter posts.
Twitter posting ability restored after I posted the above -- BUT my tweets to media and pol VIPs often post to spoofed/fake pgs unseen to anyone but I. Also, tweets on my feed obviously "scrubbed", filtered, censored.
Vic Livingston said...This commenter: an obvious paid military contractor disinformationist/psyop agent -- virtually the only types who can get through the fascist censorship filter to post here.
Yep. And who knows, someday I may actually get paid. Still waiting on that check.
I have a problem with the word "Zersetzung". Now I don't remember too much old country BS, but Zersetzung was also the word used during the Third Reich against Jews and especially against reporters and journalists who were Jewish. They were labelled "zersetzend", meaning too critical, too critical of Germany, and well, just so you know.
Well, the hate cult goon squad has moved ppl into my neighborhood who apparently live in subsidized housing and/or enjoy perks like fee contracting and lawn service... perhaps you're a "payment in kind" zersetzung agent.
Re: zersetzung: well-defined here by former FBI agent/TI Bob Levin
The community Gestapo sends goons into my house while we are kept under by LockheedMartin/Cyber com radio frequency weapon induced forced sleep. This tech also can generate force fields powerful enough to open deadbolt latches. These goons apparently have poisoned food/water/air, vandalized my property, and no doubt possess all of our personal ID info, including account numbers. We are totally vulnerable to hate cult vultures because law enforcement in Lower Makefield Twp, Bucks County and regional/federal law enforcement refuses to investigate these crimes? Why? Because their officers are among the administators and participants in this ZERSETZUNG fusion center apparatus.
This is an extremist ultra-rightwing cult that is using the wars on terror and crime as pretext to finish Hitler's work. Only dupes and fools believe that most majority of "targeted individuals" pose an actual threat to anyone. This is an INQUISITION, A POGROM, A SOCIAL CLEANSING. Too many LEOs in this area think it's a good idea.
2:26-3:18pm-celltwr #neuroweapon frcd sleep attk by @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com war criminals mind-shackles me-SLOKILLTORTURE/SUBJUGATION
Since ths am no cable TV- @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com cyberNazis also DISABLE set's ability to get over-the-air TV-Plausible deniability be damned!
These sick psyop games won't stop unless and until the DOJ Civil Rights division serves warrants on Lockheed/Cybercom operatives and overlords.
Don't know how they did it but they somehow sabotaged my amplified over-the-air TV antenna setup too.
POSTED TO Twitter.com/scrivener50
Fascist cyberNazi sociopaths of @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com forced to relent-over-air TV back on-BUT CABLE OUT SINCE THIS AM. Sick #PSYOPS!
6:54 PM - 7 Aug 2014 ·
@LockheedMartin @cyber How fascist censor/tamper regime targets journos/"dissidents"-your tax $ down the e-rathole:
6:55 PM - 7 Aug 2014 · Details
@LockheedMartin @cyber Exec VP of @Comcast knows me personally-I'm ratting out @LockheedMartin /Cyber com to him for harming @Comcast's rep!
7:14pm-Stabbing #neuroweapon attk to back of brain by @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com celltwr #neuroweapon eers-STOP THEM http://viclivingston.blogspot.com/
Vic Livingston @scrivener50 18s
@LockheedMartin @cyber As if that's not enuf-they're now again jamming over-air TV signals and have sabotaged my cable TV reception.
LINK to pix of me b4/after @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com e-torture keeps being sabotaged-monsters don't want you 2 see
Vic Livingston said...LINK to pix of me b4/after @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com e-torture keeps being sabotaged-monsters don't want you 2 see facebook.com/vic.livingston/posts/779657632077431
Not normal, accelerated aging.
Giving that Facebook page a like :) here because there is no option on the Facebook page I see to like it, only the options "I don't like this post", and "Hide all posts from Vic". As you would expect.
New day, same @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com sociopath cyberNazis jamming my over-air TV signals -- and still blocking my cable TV service.
This is your tax dollars at work -- billions down the mil contractor rat-hole to pay for malicious psyops against American citizens.
This country has gone fascist. Zersetzung. These are the cretins that too many local LEOs enable. What happened to respect for the U.S. Constitution? Sick.
My Google Plus/Facebook pages HACKED. On Google Plus, only first line of posts appears, and a link to the rest of the comment is being DISAPPEARED -- obvious censorship tactic. Same on Facebook.
Lockheed Martin and U.S. Cyber Command, as well as related agencies/commands, are engaged in a conspiracy to cover up electromagnetic weapon assaults on American citizens and apparently, their political leaders.
Late model black Audi, MD tag 44081C/F, parked 24/7 in front of western next door neighbor for past week. Virtually every time a late-model Audi with Maryland plates in parked nearby, I find evidence of surreptitious entry into my house. I believe these vehicles are operated by Zersetzung program agents, young men who are tasked with my serial persecution, and that nearby neighbors aid and abet this torture matrix.
My Facebook and Google Plus pages are hacked. Google Plus posts contain only the first line of the comment; a link to the rest of the comment is being disappeared. I am blocked from receiving Facebook "notifications" from readers.My page has never had a "like" button; the fascist censorship regime does not want me to know I'm having an impact, or that others are reading my page on a regular basis.
My Twitter page's comment box is grayed out, censoring me from posting to my page. This happens every morning.
I still have no cable TV service, and my over-air reception continues to be jammed periodically. The cable box control menu flashes on momentarily, then disappears, a clear sign that my cable box is being remotely controlled. It appears that the same military contractor personnel who control the nation's "Emergency Alert System" are the ones using the telecommunications system as weapon with which to attack extralegally targeted/persecuted citizens. Lockheed Martin personnel are conducting a covert genocide, using U.S. government radio frequency weaponry mounted on celltowers.
M.O. of censorship regime:
Vic Livingston said...The only ppl who give me inordinate attention and get through the fascist Lockheed Martin mil cyberwar filter on this site are psyops agents -- that's what empirical evidence advises... just sayin'...
You can't generalize. There are always exceptions to the rule.... just sayin'...
6:11-6:22pm frcd-sleep attk by @LockheedMartin/Cyber com e-torturers-extr fatigue/weakness/ears ring-SLOKILL TORTURE viclivingston.blogspot.com/2011/12/u.html
@LockheedMartin cyberNazis sabotage electronics of "targeted" ppl-put me thru kabuki theater b/4 my cable came back-also jam OTA TV #PSYOPS
7:44pm @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com war criminals amp up celltwr #neuroweapon brain attk on me as I expose US govt/contractor #WARCRIME
My tweet to @Isikoff just DISAPPEARED appntly by @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com cyberNazi coverup artists: viclivingston.blogspot.com/2013/06/us-cyber-commandlockheed-martin.html
My tweets to @trevortimm DISAPPEARED as fast as I posted them-this is a CRIMINAL COVERUP OF CELLTWR #NEUROWEAPON DOMES WARCRIMES #cyberNazis
The old saying is "the coverup is worse than the crime"-Appntly @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com cyberNazis are ignorant of history- #warcriminals
drove by me and shouted derogatory remarks into my car window. again.
Twazzup.com search of RTs sez I've got top RT "endless war"-yet NO RTs show up on MY page-PROOF OF FASCIST MIL-INTEL #censorship!
this page has changed again?
@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com frcd sleep neuro attks mid-aft/earl evng-@ 1 hr ea-awoke ears ringing-extr fatigueTORTURE
#torture #neuroweapon #radiofrequencyweapon #electromagneticweapon #LockheedMartin #USCyberCommand #sedition #warcrimes
When all the appliances go AWOL and nothing works.
When all the appliances go AWOL and nothing works.
Sounds like a threat to me. But the comment underscores this fact: U.S. mil intel possesses radio frequency directed energy weapon tech that can cyberjack ANY electronic device, and can even sabotage non-chip devices powered by electric motors. That means the U.S. government could immobilize EVERY piece of U.S. military equipment "captured" by ISIS.
That's not happening. So powerful elements must not WANT it to happen.
Spread the word, because this is true.
P.S. The technology also can control the weather.
E v e r y t h i n g sounds like a threat to you.
Not a single RT today-according to my HACKED/CENSORED @Twitter pg (@scrivener50) ... torture matrix handlers want me to believe I have no impact. We'll see...
@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com censors redirect me to BRITISH @cnn site appntly to bury/censor comment about "crime-fight" satellites #cyberNazis
The Facebook.com/Vic.Livingston link that @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com #neuroweapon slowkill torturers are sabotaging-b/c it's evidence of warcrimes?
google is in cahoots with them censoring sonofas, how could they not be
@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com censor/tamper regime thinks their U.S. govt indemnification extends to felonious assault with a U.S. govt radio frequency weapon system and blatant censorship and tampering with internet content.
My mission is to prove them wrong and get their fascist asses hauled into federal court.
Vic Livingston said...@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com censor/tamper regime thinks their U.S. govt indemnification extends to felonious assault with a U.S. govt radio frequency weapon system and blatant censorship and tampering with internet content.
My mission is to prove them wrong and get their fascist asses hauled into federal court.
Well, you are hard to understand sometimes, most of the time. You could be one of them and you could be gloating in a strangely sadistic and sarcastic way. That's what they do.
yeah right. and you could be one of them too azzhole.
CAUTION: LockheedMartin/Cyber com cyberNazis have the capacity to post comments to social media, websites etc. using their targets' IP internet addresses -- an apparent attempt to build a false profile of their targets by making it appear that the target authored the comment when in fact it was a libeling psyop disinformationist.
yeah all the smear campaigns do take on a life of their own long after they're over don't they
@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com censors put up PHONY Facebook comment sec on http://USAToday.com story on fed review of local police-#censored
See phony censorship ploy comment sec here:
FEDS TO REVIEW LOCAL POLICE TACTICS-A DECADE TOO LATE FOR ITS VICTIMS: vet journo/victim facebook.com/vic.livingston/posts/785482931494901
It's about time -- and federal agencies and commands are to blame for the militarization of police and the application of extrajudicial punishment up to and including covert torture with a military intelligence radio frequency neuroweapon grid deployed everywhere. This veteran journalist exposed this torture matrix nearly five years ago, and is a victim of its inhumane and criminal tactics; see http://VicLivingston.blogspot.com lede article; December 2011 article on the celltower neuroweapon grid http://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2011/12/u.html and January 2012 article, "Gestapo USA". http://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2012/01/thugocracy-u.html
#policemisconduct #abuseofpower #fusioncenter #extrajudicialtargeting #extrajudicialpunishmenthttp://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2012/01/thugocracy-u.html
#policemisconduct #abuseofpower #fusioncenter #extrajudicialtargeting #extrajudicialpunishment
@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com cyberNazi censors BLOCK me from http://Comcast.com corporate site-redirect to XfinityTV consumer site #RATOUT
I intend to discuss this and related matters with a top Comcast exec with whom I am acquainted.
@LaurenBacall_ dies of "massive stroke" day after Robin Williams suicide(d)-more suspicious than ever it was THIS: viclivingston.blogspot.com/2014/07/mainstream-media-awol-on-govt.html
Awoke to extr stabbing brain pain, fatigue/weakness, signs of overnite celltwr radio freq #neuroweapon attk by @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com war criminals-forehead skin dry/scaly appnt from radiation weapon attk-THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL TAKEN DOWN
Also: Another daily denial of service/spoofed page attk on my Verizon internet service-fake Twitter page, "this webpage not available" msgs, etc. Happens every am, ranging from a few minutes to an hour or more. Attks are selective -- Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus sites attacked most.
The following comment was received via email but did not appear here.
Great web site you have got here.. It's difficult to find quality writing like yours nowadays. I really appreciate people like you! Take care!!
My web site: Las Vegas GE Appliance Repairman
This is an obvious threat by cyberwar sociopaths to disrprt/disable my home appliances -- something that ANOTHER apparent psyop agent poster referenced above in an Aug. 11 post (11:37pm:
Karen Massari said...
When all the appliances go AWOL and nothing works.
These sociopaths need to be TERMINATED AND CHARGED WITH FEDERAL CRIMES -- starting with the use of telecommunications to inflict pain and distress.
"Karen" meant her own appliances.
Where I'm at, nothing seems to work.
Mr. L. is about as self-centered as they come.
PSYOPS ALERT: Comments by "anonymous" posters: most (if not all) authored by military contractor psyop agents or LEO/fusion center ideologues/haters. They are obsessed with dogging me at every opportunity. This is their sick, taxpayer-funded sport. I am their "big game" in a sick human game hunt - SOCIOPATHS/PSYCHOPATHS.
Why do I always get the feeling you have another, kinder side when you are not online? Or am I mistaken.
If I said that I don't take the bait from military contractor psyop agents posing as real ppl, would that be unkind?
A rhetorical questions; don't answer, because you're just digging a deeper hole.
They did it again! Inserted a typo in real time, trying to force me to delete and repost. Well, not this time, cyberNazis!
I dunno. Seems to me I always get attention from you :D
Mr. L has earned the right to be egotistical by rights of his outstanding journalism. Notwithstanding, by rights of outside interference with his outstanding journalism yet he perseveres.
Talk about damning with faint praise! Could your libelous neurolinguistic programming psyop be any more obvious? We'll never forget who YOU work for -- and it ain't the American people.
Thinking of a late night write up for Nowfact. #Ferguson God, it's a war out there. I guess Vic would call it the tip of the iceberg.
Ferguson is a direct result of nationwide program of extrajudicial targeting/persecution/covert neuroweapon torture. The cops have been corrupted. Mind controlled. They are victims of a fascist cabal that runs the U.S. mil intelligence/contractor community. Only decent military officers who haven't been purged can save America from this fascist plague. Obama is mind-controlled. A puppet. It took me YEARS to realize what was happening. Obama is clueless. But not Biden. He knows.
And that's why Lockheed/Cybercom and their "partners" are so worried -- and why they are trying to STROKE/HEART ATTACK me and emailing veiled threats referencing same.
The latest episode of Perception, "Silence", completely attacks the idea of ELF neuroweapon torture as a delusional and schizophrenic illness. An ELF paranoid sniper shoots up the Federal Building Lobby, and wounds an FBI agent in the process. Sniper ditches his rifle with the numeric cryptogram "elf gun" etched on it's barrel. Fugitive sniper escapes to the Quiet Zone in Virgina after corresponding with a Washington journalist who wrote a book promoting moving to the EMF Quiet Zone as a cure for EMF ELF targeting. TI plot devices again portrayed as dangerous and deadly delusions.
No surprise that TV scripts echo the official line -- that victims of intrusive radio frequency weapon technology are delusional/mentally ill. Throughout the ages, those in power have sought to paint political "dissidents" as mentally unstable. This technology induces symptoms consistent with those exhibited by persons with mental ills. And therein lies the rub, the true evil of authoritarians who use the nationwide radio frequency weapon grid as a means to marginalize, neutralize, destroy those who would stand in their way.
So what's your point, NowFact (a disinformation site manufactured by the military intelligence psyops apparatus)?
Was hoping to elicit reaction to the Perception episode from TIs . Thank you for your response. I may write a short article about the episode.
@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com cyberNazis just linked reply to appnt troll to off'l @TheJusticeDept tweet, making it look like it was for them!
Depression/brain disorder INDUCED by mil intel ops-attk Americans w/celltwr #neuroweapon:journo viclivingston.blogspot.com/2014/07/mainstream-media-awol-on-govt.html
Just as I left the house a police cruiser showed up. They drove slowly through the intersection in front of me. The measured police presence portended an uncertain feeling of anxiety throughout the day. I reflected upon my situation, and the stories about police in another city called Ferguson...
Anon@ 7:37pm: I believe you have a future as a pulp fiction writer. Think about it -- you wouldn't have to make your living by tormenting fellow citizens with your turgid prose.
....I wanted to deny it, but the bad book reviews had been prophetically foretold. The status quo knew no shame. Each and every book review parroted their turgid rhetoric.....
@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com cyberNazi real-time censors 2X removed word "fire" from Google image search of "Reichstag fire" #censorship
Censorship of my @Twitter feed so heavy-handed-same tweets over and over again in feed-No #ferguson live tweets-NONE #censorship #fascism
Few new tweets on feed today-how @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com real-time cyberNazi censors cover up #neuroweapon attks
Lockheed Martin / Cyber com censors keep unclicking the email comments function on this page -- another means of censorship.
Only @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com cyber units have motive/means/opp to censor/tamper w/my telecom 24/7-font of nationwide ID theft?#cyberNazis
My comment to Bamford article on #Snowden disappeared-appntly by @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com censors #coverup http://www.wired.com/2014/08/snowden-comments
You did some great tweets today, they're gone now. Did you delete them?
I rarely delete a tweet and only do so when the item no longer applies, or if the tweet was updated or corrected due to an error. If multiple tweets were deleted, it is an act of censorship and cover-up.
Now: another denial of service/tampering attack on my internet connection. Phony Twitter pg, non-functional; Verizon email yields "no data received"; no cable service again this morning -- first blank screen, then pic appears with no sound, then disappears. Service later returned after a call to Comcast CSR line.
Attacked again overnight/this a.m. via Lockheed Martin/Cyber com celltwr #neuroweapon. Extreme stabbing pain to forehead, constant head pain, hard to think. These war criminals are unbowed. They are attacking THOUSANDS of Americans nationwide. This is a SLOWKILL GENOCIDE. The nation's mil-intel-contractor complex has been hijacked by psychopaths/sociopaths who are conducting a "social cleansing". Top officials have allowed a fascist extremist cabal to seize control of this nation's telecommunications and political infrastructure.
Re: deletion of tweets
Do you remember the specific content of tweets that were deleted?
more than one, something about mimic mental illness, don't see those
OK.. about to repost that 1 with a more specific reference... let me know if it also disappears later. Thx.
12:48am Sevre celltwr #neuroweapon brain attk-stab frntl lobe pain-can't focus-"punishment" for exposing @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com WARCRIMES
REAL READERS(not the psyop agentswho post here:) PLEASE RETWEET (RT) MY TWEETS @scrivener50
It is apparent that many if not most/all of my tweets to media pages and VIPs are NEVER posted to their pages.
I must rely on relay service to get the word out.
@LockheedMartin psychopaths send me email referencing "leaky bladder"-these are some sick, sadistic psychopaths -- and they are paid with YOUR tax dollars. Yes, MAGLOCLEN-RISS/police depts, I'm talking to you.
Sociopath again runs his noisy edge trimmer over his asphalt driveway, right under my window -- sadistic noise campaign. He does this often. Sick. But not as bad as surreptitious entries into my house, apparently aided by Lockheed Martin technology. Lockheed operatives spy on me/premises 24/7 and know about everything that goes on. Sick, sick, and sick.
Now sadistic @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com operatives appntly put Vietnam Era Vet ad on my Facebook; rogue Viet vets said to run covert assassination "program" targeting men of my age who are not veterans. Vietnam Vets org based nearby (Bristol PA). Some members apparently are among my most obsessive and potentially dangerous stalkers.
Vic Livingston said...So what's your point, NowFact (a disinformation site manufactured by the military intelligence psyops apparatus)?
My viewpoint here: Perception’s “Silence”
Well, looks the hammer has come down even on the limited hangout disinformation psyop site Nowfact.com, whose apparent webmaster said he'd incorporate my comment in response to his post about the TV show "Perception". Not only did he not do that -- my comment about the program's plotline was deleted from this section.
Shows us who's really in charge of the internet -- a fascist censorship regime run by Lockheed Martin for the mil-intel "community". Their psyops agents appear to be responsible for most if not all of the "anonymous" comments posted here (at least the ones that are viewable to me). "Real" people rarelly if ever get though the fascist filter to comment here.
The cyberNazi command structure is being broken. The psychopaths who order the neuroweapon torture/slowkill impairment/disfigurement are discovering that their psyop disinformation M.O. has been turned on THEM.
They're extremely fortunate that contractor employees with a sense of conscience and humanity aren't turning their electromagnetic weapons of destruction on THEM.
Vic Livingston said...Well, looks the hammer has come down even on the limited hangout disinformation psyop site Nowfact.com, whose apparent webmaster said he'd incorporate my comment in response to his post about the TV show "Perception". Not only did he not do that -- my comment about the program's plotline was deleted from this section.
Exactly right. I had planned to incorporate your comment but it ended up exceeding the scope of my story. I would love to read your comment about the program's plotline, can you repost?
it ended up exceeding the scope of my story.
Don't you mean "exceeding the scope of my disinfo web article, published under a false pretext"?
DO NOT ANSWER: you've shown us who's puppetmastering you many times before.
All this pm constant radio freq #neuroweapon brain/body attk on this jrno-stab pain,vertigo,sore body parts-fascist cabal slowkill GENOCIDE
Depression/brain ills INDUCED by mil sociopaths-attk/suicide Americans w/celltwr #neuroweapon: journo
Desperately seeking retweeters to folo me on Twitter @scrivener50
It is apparent my tweets to media pgs, VIPs, anyone important, are seen ONLY on my page and NOT on psgs of intended recipients.
This is a criminal coverup of felonious war criminal assaults on American citizens and their elected and appointed political leaders.
Please spread the word: RT @scrivener50 tweets with intended recipients' Twitter addresses intact. Thank you.
While I'm asking favors:
I cannot access any of my original articles as published at NowPublic.com/scrivener
Since the URLs seem to be intact, I can only assume this is yet another act of censorship.
I need someone to do an Edward Snowden number and put my work output from July 2007 to late 2013 on a thumb drive and send it to me by some secure means of transit, if there is such a thing.
Since this material is at the fingertips of a legion of insiders, this shouldn't be hard to do!
Thank you. You know where I'm at. Maybe just leave it on my doorstep after spoofing a caller ID reading: AT YOUR DOORSTEP.
@BarackObama=radio freq #neuroweapon #mindpuppet of U.S. mil-intel; he MUST break free:journo viclivingston.blogspot.com/2014/07/mainstream-media-awol-on-govt.html
re: Desperately seeking retweeters to folo me on Twitter @scrivener50
Have you tried this? There are multiple automatic retweeters you can follow on Twitter. Once you follow them and they follow you back you'll be able to DM them your tweets and they will send them out as retweets. Here are the retweeters I found:
Retweet bots=no credibility -- why disinfo agent recommends
As I tweet to expose IC sociopath celltwr #neuroweapon covert slowkill domes torture cyberNazis amp up brain attk -NO 1 STOPS THEM. S-O-S.
My advice to you. Keep it easy and don`t care about them so much. They will leave you alone. Do not focus on them so much. I saw their training video from their website and realized that Christians are who they support. Website name is illumicorporation.com
Forced to re-post due to malicious insertion of typos in real-time:}
Just like the Spanish Inquisition: convert or be tortured/genocided. Radical pseudo-Christians on a fascist hate-/ideology-fueled crusade. THEY are the REAL domestic terrorist threat to all Americans.
It would be good to see those people. I am interested to get more info about those people. I would like to talk with them. Can they come to visit here in Finland? I am working at Muurame Shell in Central Finland. I am a service master there. I fuel cars, put cars into superwash for example.
I am working at Muurame Shell in Central Finland. I am a service master there. I fuel cars, put cars into superwash for example.
This is an apparent veiled threat via "directed message" to do harm to me and my family.
The following comment to a Politico.com story likely posted to a spoofed page with a unique numerical URL so it can be CENSORED/DISAPPEARED at will by the fascist Lockheed/Cybercom censorship regime:
This veteran journalist was falsely arrested five years ago on a trumped-up charge (later summarily dismissed at a hearing) after a convoy of three Falls Township Bucks County PA police vehicles pulled me over, confiscated my car, assaulted me, handcuffed me so tightly that I had bruises for a week, then threw me in the backseat of a cruiser that afforded no legroom. I was left in this stress position for about a quarter-hour after a long, winding ride to the close-by police station. Then I was thrown in a jail cell and held for nearly an hour, denied the right to make a phone call. My Miranda rights were never read to me. When I tried to file a complaint of police abuse with the district attorney, I was sent a letter saying it was up to me to give the names of the officers, which I did not know. A follow-up call failed to generate an investigation. Since the incident, I have been stalked by police cruisers and civilian goons in multiple communities, as if I were a criminal on the loose. And yes, I am white. Local police and federal fusion center agencies and commands (including military and intelligence agencies) have constructed a gestapo, and it preys upon journalists, minorities and those who are deemed to be "dissidents" or "undesirables". I write extensively about this subject at VicLivingston(dot)blogspot(dot)com. My former mainstream media colleagues have ignored my pleas to cover this nation's descent into police state fascism.
Everything`s fine. I promise you.
You need to get right with God. When you do you won't believe everyone is out to get you.
You sick pseudo-Christian cyberNazis are among the most ungodly ppl ever. I assure you that YOU are the ones who are not right with God, because God does not condone you fascist bastards playing God.
"Get right with God"=darkside death threat.
Message received. Not only by me but by those who are ON TO ROGUES INSIDE.
NOW:piercing brain attk via @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com celltwr #neuroweapon-all day, worse now-want to induce STROKE http://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2014/07/mainstream-media-awol-on-govt.html
Now: unremitting celltwr #neuroweapon attk by @LockheedMartin/Cyber com war criminals-stab pain/vertigo/numb limbs-trying to give me STROKE-HELP.
I am having tinnitus dizziness and weakness all weekend. Like they have added more horsepower to the RF machines.
The fact that @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com operatives are upping amplitude of triangulated celltwr #neuroweapon attack is an indication that the torture matrix will not stand down and will remain defiant to the end. These fascist war criminals are invested in torture, impairment, disfigurement and murder -- both slow- and fast-kill. They are betting that Obama and Holder are mind puppets of U.S. mil-intel and that the FBI will not be ordered to use the legal system to take them down.
I believe they are wrong, but that belief may be mistaken, given the intensity of today's attacks. I am being rendered insensate. I can barely think straight. I am being tortured, not just brain-attacked but impaired and disfigured all over. WAR CRIMINALS MUST BE TAKEN DOWN NOW.
I folo @cnnbrk but in rcnt days get NO TWEETS-b/c fascist cyberNazi censors of @LockheedMartin/@cyber com censor my @Twitter pg- #FASCISM
All of the posts here continue to double-post on my email account -- example of psychopathic malicious psyops of Lockheed Martin cyberNazi felons.
Constant @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com celltwr #neuroweapon brain attk-stab pain,vertigo,hard 2 think-US harbors Nazi-grade cyberwar criminals
2:44 PM - 18 Aug 2014
@LockheedMartin @cyber FED-COP EXTRALEGAL FUSION CTR GESTAPO/IC CELLTWR #NEUROWEAPON TORTURE ATTKS/$ SABOTAGE http://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2014/07/mainstream-media-awol-on-govt.html
@LockheedMartin /@Cyber com censor/tamper regime SABOTAGES/DEACTIVATES links on story GESTAPO USA-malicious #PSYOP
See for yourself how mil-intel sabotages my work in a cover-up of serial human and civil rights violations perpetrated upon thousands of Americans:
Protest march this Saturday on Staten Island (not sure they are closing down the Verrazano Bridge, don't think so) because of the Eric Garner story.
That and the war zone in Ferguson brought many things to light.
Maybe someday TI's will have people standing up for them, too. It won't be too soon.
@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com celltwr #neuroweapon eers amp up brain attk-stab pain,ears ring,vertigo,weak HELP http://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2014/07/mainstream-media-awol-on-govt.html
6:56 PM - 19 Aug 2014
Top/crown of my head BURNING UP, severe brain pain. This isn't torture-it's slowkill murder.
Only those who know RFDE weapon grid can induce subaural suggestions into the brains of human targets can understand how the sociopaths of LockheedMartin/@Cyber com and their agency/command overlords construct elaborate "plots" that involve behavior/mind manipulation. Did operatives make Garner resist arrest, giving the arresting officer a pretext to choke him to death?
I hadn't connected the dots until now. I think the psyop agent "Karen Massari" (or is it the psyop agent who hijacked her identity?) may be gloating here. Just like the poster who refers to "RF machines". Very cute, you sick bastards.
I would like the RF machines to shut down. Why do you delete my request to protest the use of the machines? They can make signs for instance.
Comment @7:44pm is indicative of the sick sadistic sociopath war criminals who are torturing Americans with a covert celltwr weapon system and then gloat about it. You will burn in Hell.
please tweet FCC
Unauthorized/unfair/biased/illegal broadcasts
10:11pm You are a psychopathic thug. We never forget who you're working for.
BLOCKED/CENSORED from this link: news.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/08/20/smaller-crowds-in-ferguson-but-continued-tension/
THIS IS FASCIST CENSORSHIP OF JOURNOS/SUPPOSED 'DISSIDENTS' viclivingston.blogspot.com/2013/06/us-cyber-commandlockheed-martin.html
August 19, 2014 10:15PM You are a psychopathic thug. You don't work, lazy.
12:48pm Oh, I'm working, all right.. you will see. It's eyes on YOU.
Tick-tock of real-tinme net censorship of my mil-intel intercepted/censored/tampered with internet connection:
BLOCKED/CENSORED from this link: http://news.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/08/20/smaller-crowds-in-ferguson-but-continued-tension THIS IS FASCIST CENSORSHIP OF JOURNOS/SUPPOSED 'DISSIDENTS' http://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2013/06/us-cyber-commandlockheed-martin.html
2 alternate linx to @nytimes story on #Ferguson & @Twitter also DEACTIVATED over my hacked cnxn-censors don't want me to read this-WHY?
@nytimes @twitter LINK I CAN'T ACCESS: http://news.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/08/20/smaller-crowds-in-ferguson-but-continued-tension Could someone email printout to me? scrivener50@verizon.net
After 10-15 min of trying to access @nytimes article I get sign-in pg-but I linked thu @Google where there's NO PAYWALL-#censorship #coverup
After more than 1/2 hr, finally accessed cached @Google copy of @nytimes #Ferguson @Twitter article-but STILL can't get via regular linx!
@google @nytimes @twitter I wonder: am I seeing the orig article, or CENSORED version? Something in orig they don't want me to see. #fascism
Fascist censorship-so ham-fisted/blatant-can mean only 1 thing: mil-intel has seized control of net in silent coup http://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2013/06/us-cyber-commandlockheed-martin.html
Tick-tock of real-time net censorship of my mil-intel intercepted/censored/tampered with internet connection (will this link be deep-sixzed by fascist cyberNazis, too?):
To the psychopath operative who called me lazy because I "don't work":
Constant radio frequency #neuroweapoon torture and constant stalking, home intrusions, vandalism, financial sabotage, have made it IMPOSSIBLE for me to work at an outside job -- for more than a DECADE now.
So THIS is my work: helping to take down this fascist torture matrix/slowkill genocide. If you are part of it, the good guys are onto you, I assure you -- or I would have been silenced long ago.
Evidence of surrpetitious home entry today-community goons appntly get in w/assistance of @LockheedMartin RF weapon tech-can open deadbolts
@LowerMakefield BucksCoPA police refuse to probe decade of hate crimes committed against me&property-the story: viclivingston.blogspot.com/2012/11/help-veteran-journalist-kept-virtual.html
Few minutes ago, went out to walk dog, local cop cruiser drives by house with lights flashing-at least this apparent police harassment was silent. I FEAR LOCAL POLICE. WHERE DID THEY LEARN TO HATE?
This 64 year old guy is shaking. Local cops are harassing me. I'm already ruined but apparently that's not enuf for haters.
I am treated like a dog. There is no justification for this. My conclusion: Jew haters who believe whatever they are told by those trying to silence me.
With cops in other cities literally getting away with murder, with pointing automatic weapons at unarmed civilians AND media reporters, it is obvious that local LEOs in my neck of the woods think they can get away with anything. I fear what they are planning next for me. Some stone-cold haters with guns and badges. Not all, but enough to destroy my quality of life, if not my life itself.
Via Lockheed Martin's radio frequency weapon grid, rogues could triangulate on my house's gas meter and blow the house to smithereens and then call it an accident. I FEAR FOR MY LIFE. This is why I asked the local utility to take out the RF-controlled "smart meter". They refused. Of course, they don't need that device to triangulate on me or my premises -- they do that EVERY DAY... up to a few minutes ago, was was being hit unmercifully via RF neuroweapon brain attack. Local LEOs know of this technology, but they also know that because it's not well-known by the public, they can call my claims a sign of paranoia. That's what they are trained to say. It's how people like me are silenced, marginalized, destroyed, then slowkilled (if they are not struck down by an induced heart attack or stroke, that is).
As I wrote the last comment, operatives again amped up their neuroweapon brain attack on me. Now, vertigo, stabbing head pain, burning skull, numbness down left side and I'm shedding hair like a dog. This is homicide via radio frequency weapon.
I think they might have amped up the neuroweapon attacks everywhere because of Furgeson.
Ferguson may be the psyop that commences the beginning of the endgame. Now even mainstream media is waking up. Maybe that cop who pointed the automatic at them did everyone a "favor" by delivering a frightening wakeup call. I dread what's next.
Email cc'ed a situation report to a federal agency. Checked "sent" file, noticed agency was not listed as a recipient. Forwarded original email -- then noted that the forward listed the agency's email address, but that the first two characters of the link were not underlined. The agency's email was NOT present on the original "sent" file.
This is apparently how Lockheed program and/or local LEOs tried to sabotage the situation report to the federal agency.
I've known Tompkinsville, where Eric Garner died, all my life. I'll admit I've made fun of the ppl there.
That doesn't mean you gangstalked them.
@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com psycho cyberNazi torturers/censors again corrupt my soc media pgs-Twitter, Facebook-Verizon email elicits "no data received" phony full-screen msg. Happens EVERY time I log on.
Dog threw up this am. Just got anonymous email referencing "tramadol for dogs" and the words Withdrawal + muscle aches."
Then a neighbor outside asks me "So when is your daughter going to ______?" I say, "It sounds like you have a pipeline into what's happening in my family."
He gives me sadistic laugh and says, "No no!" and walks away.
I've known this person for 23 years. I had his number early on, and he hasn't changed his colors.
If his "team leader" is reading this, please be advised:
Your officially-directed neighborhood goon squad has violated my civil rights and my privacy for at least a decade. The rule of law will prevail and your criminal gang of power-abusing thugs will be brought to justice.
I think Vic Livingston's complaints should be investigated ASAP.
I always wonder how many groups of people rumors about me are spread to. And there's always that Why? Why me? I know as a TI I'm not supposed to think about it. But I do.
Did you take your dog to the vet? Did it get better?
It appears that if you're not the right minority, or if you're not shot dead in the street or beaten to death and tied to a fence post, there won't be a serious investigation into acts that taken together amount to slowkill genocide.
That's why ideologues, haters and dirty cops in this entire region (and throughout America) apparently think they can get away with anything.
It is my mission to try to establish some semblance of accountability. My mission is predicated upon the belief that many good people in law enforcement and at the security agencies and commands are appalled by what's happening in America today -- and not just to black people.
ALL TI's complaints should be investigated ASAP, again and again, until we know who the perps are and until it stops.
"...until we know who the perps are..."
You sadistic bastard. Law enforcement knows exactly who the "perps" are, and so do you.
Dog lethargic, sleeping. She threw up twice, once early am and then early this afternoon. Whatever it was, it appears that she'll come out of it. It occurs to me that radio frequency neuroweapon attack can mimic the symptoms of a drug overdose. The sociopath neuroweapon cyberNazis will attack any living thing, apparently including young children, even infants. They are Nazi-grade war criminals.
Late pm celltwr #neuroweapon attk-@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com war crmnals-induces frcd sleep/extr fatigue/weakness/vertigo
Pic still won't post to Twitter.com/scrivener50 but eventually did post to FB and Google Plus.
Fascist censorship works in strange ways. I think it must have something to do with racism, or some effort to paint me as something other than what I am. I won't rest until the neuroweapon torture and the censorship cease -- for all Americans.
Near constant stab pain/frcd sleep celltwr #neuroweapon attks t-day by @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com mil -intel WAR CRIMINALS-brain/organsHELP
@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com psychopath celltwr #neuroweapon torturers attk w/radio freqs-causes intense urge to pee
WHAT THEY'VE DONE TO ME ALL DAY-ALONG WITH ANAL E-RAPE - psychopath monsters. Law enforcement knows; too many approve. Power-abusing thugs stand by and let citizen be tortured and slowkilled. THEY KNOW.
I wrote "citizens" -- plural. It came out "citizen" -- singular. Lockheed/Cyber com censors don't want public to know they are torturning 1000s of Americans, many thousands, every day and night, 24/7.
@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com cyberNazis disrupt cable/OTA TV signals-went week w/o this #psyop but they just did it again-to respond in kind!
Daily @Verizon denial of service attk on soc media pgs-can't access email; posting function on Twitter disabled; cannot access Facebook.com/Vic.Livingston, get phony on-scrn msg, "this webpage is not available."
This morning, more malicious real-time remote inference with Comcast cable TV service. Lockheed/Cybercom goons spy on me 24/7 via radio freq weapon's synthetic aperture video/audio radar (no cameras required) and pull sadistic stunts such as sabotage of cable TV, jamming of over the air TV signals, etc. This is the sick sport of psychopaths.
The radio frequency weapon torture inflicted on me this weekend was horrific, ranging from triangulated attacks to body parts; induction of rapid heartbeat and constant urge to urinate; and severe pulsed bursts to the brain. The RFDE weapon is capable of inducing a wide range of effects on the human body via "neuromodulation". Specific frequencies cause specific responses, such as the urgent need to urinate.
The operatives and overlords administering this torture regime are Nazi-grade war criminals. Lockheed Martin and U.S. Cyber Command knowingly harbor and abet war criminals.
Psycho operatives of Lockheed Martin defeting my sign-in to Verizon email-log in box disappears when I start to type. When I re-click on sign-in box, it appears then disappears again. YOUR TAX $ FUND THESE SADISTIC STUNTS.
SICK PSYOPS: Get email retweets from obvious psyop agents-tweets advocate suicide-how mil-intel psycho cntrctrs try to"suicide"their targets
12:06-12:23pm @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com celltwr #neuroweapon frcd-sleep attk on this jrno-awoke extrm fatigue/weak-MIL-INTEL WARCRIME-LINK
Keep getting sadistic veiled threats in email notices of comments to http://VicLivingston.blogspot.com -only @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com has motive/means
When I awoke from @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com forced sleep attk at 12:23pm, I heard a loud bang, like a door slam. Then I found more signs of surreptitious home entry.
Lockheed Martin operatives see/hear EVERYTHING that goes on inside/outside my home. Their operatives apparently cue local goons as to when I'm out cold, and direct these home intrusions, which often include vandalism and theft.
I would really like to meet in person a couple of the sociopath cyberNazis whose career consists of posting lame psyops to this website and social media, along with administering covert radio frequency neuroweapon torture, impairment, mutilation and slowkill homicide.
I want to see for myself what kind of subhuman being would do this for a living.
7:17pm @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com psychopaths block my @Verizon email, disable my @Twitter just b/c they can #cyberNazis
Still blocked from posting to Twitter and Facebook. Twitter pg disabled. Daily censorship/harassment, sends message that you think/write as we say or we will sabotage your ability to access telecommunications. Fascism.
NOW-Stabbing rt frtl lobe brain attk by @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com celltwr #neuroweapon war criminals-try to induce stroke-WAR CRIMINALS
11:06 AM - 26 Aug 2014
My secret allies @LockheedMartin cyberwar psyops units feign disparagement as they publicize my website/linx-thx patriots!
Now get appntly phony phone calls from "CmmonwealthofPA"-a state general #-@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com/MAGLOCLEN harassers know no bounds
Not ONE tweet from today shows up in http://Twazzup.com search of my name-evidence that mil-intel BLACK-HOLES/DISAPPEARS my net presence
Vic Livingston @scrivener50 6s
Just found sign of surreptitious home entry-@LockheedMartin cyberNazis appntly use radio freq weapon tech to open deadbolts-let goons inside
Tech exposed here: viclivingston.blogspot.com/2011/12/u.html
5:15-5:55pm @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com celltwr #neuroweapon war crime frcd-sleep attk-awoke ears ring/extr fatigue-TORTURE/FREE WILL DENIAL
#torture #electromagneticweapon #neuroweapon #LockheedMartin #USCyberCommand #warcrimes #sedition #treason #silentcoup
7:15-7:55pm ANOTHER @LockheedMartin/@Cyber com celltwr #neuroweapon war crime frcd-sleep attk-awoke ears ring/extr fatigue-TORTURE/SLAVERY
8:05 PM - 26 Aug 2014 ·
@LockheedMartin @cyber MSM AWOL ON EXTRALEGAL FUSION CTR GESTAPO/IC CELLTWR #NEUROWEAPON TORTURE ATTKS/$ SABOTAGE http://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2014/07/mainstream-media-awol-on-govt.html
#torture #genocide #neuroweapon #electromagneticweapon #LockheedMartin #USCyberCommand #warcrimes #sedition #treason #miliarycoup #fascism #THEENEMYWITHIN
@LockheedMartin/@Cyber com cyberNazi censors scrub/censor Twitter search engines,remove RTs of my tweets-#NEUROWEAPON #WARCRIMES #COVERUP
Another malicious denial of service and content alteration attack on my Verizon internet. Phony Twitter pg, can't post, can't acces Facebook, even the typeface of this comments section input box has been altered. A fascist mil-intel cabal has seized control of telecommunications. Their operatives have altered/vandalized my content. Lockheed Martin and U.S. Cyber Command are performing terroristic acts on American citizens.
Verizon email page corrupted, unformatted, cannot access.
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