The sabotage occurred when I was "kept under" by yet another celltower neuroweapon forced sleep attack, which incapacitated me for a full hour or more.
I discovered the sabotage Tuesday evening (April 1) when I was heading out on an errand. I spent more than a hour Tuesday night reversing the sabotage by reinstalling the mechanism in the proper position. Apparently the vandals have secured keys to the locks on my premises.
These goons made illegal entry to sabotage my property, APPARENTLY WITH NO FEAR OF REPERCUSSIONS.
In early February, the other garage door was sabotaged via apparent radio frequency weapon attack that literally melted a bolt keeping a spring taut. Then, on Feb. 27th, a dogwalker goon threatened me to my face, saying: "We're gonna get the other one."
On Tuesday the goons made good on that threat, which had prompted me to call local police.
I intend to notify local police again to make an official record of this latest example of the BREAKDOWN IN THE RULE OF LAW IN LOWER MAKEFIELD TWP, BUCKS COUNTY, PA.
Apparently, rogue agents/officers think they can paint me as delusional when their goons pull off these stunts. But too many ethical insiders know the score.
This will not end until officers of the law are held responsible for letting criminals terrorize extralegally "targeted individuals" -- who are slandered as mentally ill or "threats." The REAL terrorists are the gangstalker/community "watch" goons and their "team leaders" -- some of them officers of the law.
SECOND UPDATE -- Fri Apr 4 Yesterday I purchased a new lock cylinder for the second garage door that was vandalized twice in recent weeks, since it's obvious that police-protected community goons have keys to my house. I left the lock in a bag with the receipt on the front seat of my car as I went into another store in a Falls Township, Bucks County, PA big box store complex.
When I got home I noticed that the packaging had been carefully slit open -- at the part of the package holding the keys to the lock. The purchase receipt was missing from the bag. Apparently, stalkers entered my vehicle -- whose door probably was unlocked via radio frequency intrusion tech of Lockheed Martin/fusion center cyberNazis -- and vandalized the packaging, possibly tracing the keys.
Then on Friday morning, I found the receipt on the floor in front of a closet -- apparently returned to my house by home-intruding community goons as my wife and I were kept in a deep sleep state upstairs overnight.
It appears that Lockheed Martin cyberNazis also use their radio frequency weapon capabilities to open door bolts -- enabling terroristic home intrusions.
Lockheed Martin cyber units, experience has taught me, enables domestic terrorism -- as do local police who refuse to police hate criminals, some of whom apparently are among their ranks.
The original story:
More hard evidence emerged this past weekend of the terroristic community-based harassment and persecution I have endured for the past decade as a resident of Lower Makefield Township, Bucks County PA -- a symptom of a regional breakdown in the rule of law and a tacit endorsement by local police departments of psychopathic vigilantism.
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HOME INVADERS' DIRECTED MESSAGE Didn't receive "damaged mail" bag in mailbox -- found it on top of kitchen trash after I left house to work in backyard. |
The discovery came when I returned inside from doing some yard work. About an hour or so earlier, I had emptied dirt from a carpet sweeper into the kitchen trash can; at that time, I can state with absolute certainty, the USPS bag was not present. Just before I re-entered the house, I had walked from the back yard to the front, where I observed parked across the street a white truck emblazoned with the name of a concrete contractor. The driver of the truck had gotten out and was conversing with a neighbor who happens to be an attorney. I have reason to believe this longtime neighbor is affiliated with -- and may be a "block captain" of -- a regional vigilante hate group with possible ties to an organized crime syndicate.
When I discovered the USPS "damaged mail" bag in the trash, it became apparent that a "gangstalker" intruder on a mission -- apparently supplied with copies of my house keys -- had entered my home while I was out in the yard and left the plastic bag as a "directed message", a purposeful reference to my call to local postal authorities seeking help with apparent theft of my mail.
It also was apparent that the intruder who left the bag in my house during an unlawful entry was supplied with information on my movements gleaned from surveillance -- either electronic surveillance supplied by local or regional fusion center authorities, or on-the-ground spying by neighbors affiliated with police-enabled vigilantes who for the past decade have made me a literal hostage in my own home. On repeated instances, upon the return to my premises after an outing, I have discovered evidence of unlawful home intrusions, vandalism -- including damage to major home systems and the sadistic ripping and shredding of personal clothing items and towels -- identity theft, and theft of household items. I have even discovered among my personal effects bank receipts for cash withdrawals I know I did not make. These acts of sabotage and intimidation are intended to make me reluctant to leave the house unoccupied; this domestic terror tactic largely has succeeded.
The worst acts of vandalism, sabotage, theft (apparently including identity theft), and malicious "gaslighting" such as the soiling of property and placement of sadistic "calling cards" such as pens with insignia of unfamiliar businesses, occur when my wife and I are "kept under" in a deep sleep state via neuromodulation attack with the celltower radio frequency weapon grid that I first exposed in an article published in late 2009 and since updated and revised: http://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2011/12/u.html. These attacks on my brain and body occur regularly, throughout the day and night, debilitating my health and well-being -- literally preventing me from earning a living and living an unencumbered life. I have reported that the neuroweapon grid is administered by U.S. Cyber Command under contract to Lockheed Martin, the world's largest defense contractor.
I did not call the local police to report the incident involving the placement of the "damaged mail" bag because experience has taught me that some local police officers "turn it around" and use such reports to build a case supporting the notion that the complainant is delusional or paranoid. Indeed, that appears to be the modus operandi of the local vigilante squad team leaders who engineer these "gaslighting" stunts -- to bait the "target" into making a call to police.
In late February, I did call the police when a dogwalker made a direct threat against me and my property -- a reference to a recently damaged garage door and a threat that "we're going to get the other one." I told the responding officer about a series of hate crimes committed against me and my interests, including vandalism, apparent identity theft and home intrusions. The officer told me that a department detective would be contacting me.
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Lower Makefield Police Chief Kenneth Coluzzi: empathetic, unwilling/unable to stop journo's persecution -- not sure which. |
Once again, I am renewing my appeal for the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department to open an investigation of officially-enabled persecution of so-called "targeted individuals", using the case of this veteran mainstream media journalist as a template for a nationwide enforcement action that compels regional and local authorities to cease the enabling of "vigilante justice" in America.
It is my firm belief that responsible and ethical authorities, including some local police officers and chiefs, are sick and tired of covering up for -- and being usurped by -- federal military and intelligence agencies and commands who would transmogrify local police departments all across the nation into the local ground muscle of an American gestapo on a covert mission of "social cleansing" -- a slowkill genocide.
Wed Mar 19, 2014 -- Today I received in my residential mailbox an important official document about a personal matter. Both ends of the envelope were slit open enough to allow someone to bend the edges of the envelope and peak inside at the contents to determine the nature of the communication as well as specific data contained therein. The damaged mail I received today in the mailbox was NOT contained inside an official "damaged mail" plastic bag of the type found last week at the top of our kitchen trash can and discussed in this article: http://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2014/03/bucks-pa-journo-vic-livingston-home.html
As described in the article above, my wife and I have had a long-standing problem with the delivery of U.S. mail to our address. Specifically, we have not been receiving certain important mail that is supposed to be delivered on a monthly basis. As described in the article, I made a call several weeks ago to the Morrisville PA post office asking for assistance to determine why some of our mail apparently has gone missing. The article also describes the leaving of an official "damaged mail" plastic bag in our kitchen trash can.
It is obvious that someone is intercepting and tampering with our mail, either before it is delivered, or after; and that the events described in the article apparently have emboldened, rather than deterred, the person or persons committing the federal crime of mail tampering.
Once again I am using this forum to request assistance in the form of official federal and local investigations into the processing and delivery of mail by local postal authorities; and into neighborhood terrorists who may be entering my mailbox to tamper with or steal the contents.
1 – 200 of 1037 Newer› Newest»4:13-4:19pm Another FRCD SLEEP celltwr #neuroweapon attk by @LockheedMartin @Cyber Command WAR CRIMINALS-shud I be grateful it was short?
How US mil-intel offs "dissidents/undesirables": attk w/celltwr #neuroweapon declare mentally ill-journo
No, it should not happen.
This is a solid story.
From the comments section below: "Are the 'good feds' bought off, electromagnetically entrained, or a combination of ingredients?"
They are presumably terrified, the whole program is more than they could have imagined, and completely out of control. Who would go to such lengths? Justice in the digital era: guilty until proven innocent (without any chance to prove it, a mockery of justice), privacy nonexistent.
@WSJ Did rogue cyber black ops hyperjack lost jet avionics w/sat radio frq weapon? jrno:
9:01pm-9:21pm Yet another frcd sleep celltwr #neuroweapon attk by @LockheedMartin /@Cyber com WARCRIMINALS-ear-ring,ext fatigue-stupor
4:39-5:39pm Another celltwr #neuroweapon frced sleep attk by @LockheedMartin / @Cyber com WARCRIMINALS-awoke to extr ear-ring-fatigue
@LockheedMartin /@Cyber com DELETED my celltwr #neuroweapon frcd sleep/ear-ring attk report 11:56am-12:36pm-CRIMINAL COVERUP OF DOMES CRIME
Does the disappearance of MH370 make it easier to "sell" #gangstalking?
1:36-2:05pm-another frcd-sleep attk by @LockheedMartin /US @Cyber com cyberwarCRIMINALS via celltwr #neurowepaon-ear-ring, extr fatigue
This officially-enabled vigilantism is cover for an ideology/hate-driven slowkill genocide, and police everywhere have been corrupted by "the program." I've been slandered to my local police, even to neighbors, as some kind of "threat." This is how fascists deal with political opposition and journalists who don't toe the line.
Are the "good feds" naive, bought off, electromagnetically entrained, or a combination of ingredients? Appears it's the combo strategy. America is now a fascist police state run by global corporations and ideologue military-intel-law enforcement elements.
I still think the good guys can stop this devolution -- maybe. But the time is NOW.
Public is more disposed to consider alternative "conspiracy theories" when unexplained events like the disappearance of MH370 happen.
Wed Mar 19, 2014 -- Today I received in my residential mailbox an important official document about a personal matter. Both ends of the envelope were slit open enough to allow someone to bend the edges of the envelope and peak inside at the contents to determine the nature of the communication as well as specific data contained therein.
As described in the article above, my wife and I have had a long-standing problem with the delivery of U.S. mail to our address. Specifically, we have not been receiving certain important mail that is supposed to be delivered on a monthly basis. As described in the article, I made a call several weeks ago to the Morrisville PA post office asking for assistance in determining why some of our mail apparently has gone missing. The article also describes the leaving of an official "damaged mail" plastic bag in our kitchen trash ban.
It is obvious that someone is intercepting and tampering with our mail, either before it is delivered, or after; and that the events described in the article apparently have emboldened, rather than deterred, the person or persons committing the federal crime of mail tampering.
Once again I am using this forum to request assistance in the form of official federal and local investigations into the processing and delivery of mail by local postal authorities; and into neighborhood terrorists who may be entering my mailbox to tamper with the contents.
"Public is more disposed to consider alternative 'conspiracy theories' when unexplained events like the disappearance of MH370 happen." - yeah, I think so, too.
"... that the events described in the article apparently have emboldened, rather than deterred, the person or persons committing ..."
classic #gangstalking. No concept of shame or guilt. So utterly sure they will never pay or be caught.
Yes, officially enabled ideologues and hate-mongers do go to extreme lengths to try to justify their terroristic vigilantism... to the point of using coded messages and neurolinguistic programming to slander and condemn their targets.
The shame and guilt should reside with public officials and uniformed thugs who use "gangstalkers" to front for their Nazi-like covert slowkill genocide.
CyberNazis and dirty cops/agents, shame on YOU; I pray that soon you'll be the object of the words "guilty as charged." You RUN the "gangstalkers."
Just attempted to post to Google + about sadistic emails I've received recently from anonymous persons suggesting I read their blog entry "Fatal Accidents." The post disappeared. I am trying again now.
Today my family is flying from East Coast to L.A. on a late-morning United flight. Perhaps some conscientious insider could ensure that the flight computer has not been cyberjacked. I am serious.
Also, my story about "Operation Chaos" now carries a superimposed "headline" reading "Opioid Addiction." Something very sinister is happening here. S-O-S.
United 1735K from Newark, NJ to LAX 11 am
What is that "K" about in the flight number? It also appears on the return flight printout.
Reminds me of the "KIA" letters that appeared on EVERY page of my tax return when I printed it out from an H&R Block DVD software program.
Believe me/family under threat from OpChaos elements today when members flying from Newark NJ to LAX on United 1735K ("K"?) departing 11am-NOW.
NOW-@LockheedMartin /@Cyber com cyberNazi censors again jam over-air digital TV signals as malicious, psychopathic #PSYOP
@Support @LockheedMartin /US @Cyber com censor regime BLACKHOLING my tweets with msg that t.co link "unsafe"-COVERUP:
1-1:32pm ear-ring frcd sleep celltwr #neuroweapon attk by @LockheedMartin /@Cyber com after post re vigilantism
4:18-4:51pm FRCD SLEEP ATTK w/celltwr #neuroweapon by @LockheedMartin /@Cyber com WAR CRIMINALS-extr fatigue-ear-ring
IMO the dark side has badly overplayed its hand with MH370 disappearance. I believe FBI soon will learn plane flew to Diego Garcia US/UK AFB in Indian Ocean in black op targeting Chinese aircraft cloaking experts who were onboard, and to panic civilians the world over, as per Operation Chaos M.O. -- my analysis and I am entitled to express my "theory" (which I believe is likely FACT).
2-2:45pm-celltwr #neuroweapon ear-ring FRCD-SLEEPattk by @LockheedMartin /US @Cyber com govt torturers-many ppl don't know they're "targets"
Speculation. Until evidence found.
Radio frequency directed energy weapon attack can "dustify" targets, leaving no definable evidence. That is why the ppl who apparently write the paychecks of virtually all who post comments here think they can continue to commit "the perfect crime." I'm here to tell you: your e-torture matrix has been exposed and architects as well as operatives will soon answer for their horrific crimes against humanity.
Until moments ago @LockheedMartin /@Cyber com cyberNazis jamming @WNYC to let me know they are surveilling me 24/7 & can disrupt electronics.
Someone posting picture of sign "No Niggers, No Jews, No Dogs" on my @Google Plus page-strongly suspect @LockheedMartin /@Cyber com HATERS.
The picture now has a comment: "They're (sic) time at hand." THIS IS A DEATH THREAT.
Wanna bet China leaders asked for meeting w/@BarackObama b/c they have evidence #MH370 may have landed @ #DiegoGarcia AFB Indian Ocean? pic.twitter.com/jyZOxumUOA
NOTE: While composing this post for social media, I received a "live" on-screen message asking me if I wanted to make this "public"--obvious real-time interception and intimidation, most likely by the @LockheedMartin /US @cyber com censorship/telecom tampering regime I have exposed in many articles over the past few years, including this one:
Psychopath @LockheedMartin celltwr #neuroweapon torturers zap my frontal lobe,put ad for Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia on my FB
@LockheedMartin How US mil-intel offs "dissidents/undesirables": attk w/celltwr #neuroweapon rule mentally ill-journo viclivingston.blogspot.com/2011/12/u.html
sure they're real, but what exactly are they?
Are Manchurian Candidates Real?
When you're in it all the way, there is no "off".
I bought a jar of oregano at the store to use for some pizza sauce. I really don't use oregano in anything else but pizza sauce.
Later that day I was looking at some recipes online (not pizza) and noticed a number of new comments suggesting that you "add a lot of oregano" to this recipe, or to that recipe.
The strange comments about oregano were appearing on every recipe site I looked at! So I looked at the date/time on the comments and they were all made within the past hour or so, after I had bought my oregano.
I even found new recipes being posted (within the past hour or so) that had obscene amounts of oregano listed as one of the major ingredients. They were listing oregano in the new recipes where it should not have been used!
I happened to open my month old jar of oregano last week and noticed that the jar was half empty! I had only used it once, a tablespoon full in the pizza sauce.
Where did all my oregano go? Had gangstlalkers emptied my jar of oregano to send me a message, along with all the messages about oregano on the recipe sites? I remembered Jerry from the movie "Conspiracy Theory", and how he had to lock away his jars because they were always emptying them out.
Real time tracking, survellience, and gaslighting. Real time internet tracking. Breaking and entering to gaslight. All of it paid for and directed by - whom?
This is no joke!
I was taught (by a TI with a lot of experience in dealing with #gangstalking tactics) that you have to draw a line between what puts you in immediate danger, and what does not.
You don't need that oregano. Some idiot emptying your oregano stash says more about them than you.
Buy some more oregano, empty it on your kitchen counter, with your finger, draw a message into it: "To hell with you!" or "Suck on this!"
But the problem with messages is it might make matters worse. Its best to ignore a lot of it.
"Karen" don't you get it? Vic and his cronies are messin' with you.
Mama mia! Now that's a spicy meatball!
Karen Massari said..."You don't need that oregano".
Is that the sadistic message that they were trying to send me? Or were they saying "we control you, your oregano is ours!".
The oregano story is no joke, it actually happened. Breaking and entering to empty a jar of oregano is a crime. Believe it or not, who cares? It's not like I could report this crime to the police without risking being locked up in the psycho ward. That seems to be their goal, btw.
I won't be using the half empty jar of oregano now - not knowing how the oregano went missing from the jar. It may be contaminated. So they succeeding in controlling me and my jar of oregano, I will need to throw it all out now.
Karen's message about buying more oregano and emptying it out on the counter speaks volumes about her agenda.
To hell with you! - Suck on this Cybercom!
Wear them out. Never use oregano again, then out of the blue, buy it. I have promised my gangstalkers 'I will be back in 5 minutes, or I will be back in 5 months - now you wait patiently.' You don't want to feed the trolls, you want to turn them off and deny them. Doesn't always work, sure, but what else is there.
They didn't want you to enjoy your Italian soul food.
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" - no matter what anyone posts in the comments section of this blog - it is automatically labelled 'a sadistic threat'.
Yeah, well "sadistic" doesn't even begin to descibe it. How sick, demented, twisted, crazed and petty do you have to be to target a jar of oregano? It's not funny.
More importantly, how organized do you have to be, and how many people does it take, to pull off a demented stunt like that?
oregano? that is pathetic.
I know, right? Seriously, a multi-million dollar covert gangstalking operation and they can't do any better than play games with my little jar of oregano leaves?
If it wasn't so pathetic I would be laughing. Actually, I am laughing at them because that is so pathetic and idiotic.
Who is paying for this nonsense - the taxpayers? I want a refund!
So, after getting victims like me to share my crazy sounding story about how they cyberstalked me on internet recipe sites with directed messages about oregano the day I bought a jar of it, and how they somehow secretly entered my house and emptied my jar after I only used a tablespoonful, they post messages like this on reddit:
TIL there's an online movement of probable schizophrenics claiming to be targets of mind control & stalking by gov't agents. Often after being told they have delusions, these "gangstalking" groups reinforce each others' beliefs, stage protests and petition the gov't to "stop the harassment"
And then they post links on reddit to the infamous "hit piece" on TIs:
Sharing Their Demons on the Web
Conclusion: this is a nationwide gangstalking operation and the cover is to make TIs look mentally ill.
I remember once talking to an old man who had lived in Germany during Hitler. He said the Nazis would do stupid, childish things like cut his geranium plants to pieces with scissors. He would shake his head and laugh, and he didn't believe in the early years that anyone would take Hitler seriously.
ONLY comments from psycho mil-intel psyops agents seem to make it thru @LockheedMartin/ @Cyber com filter to post on VicLivingston.blogspot.com
So, that explains why they always let Vic thru the filter.
I wouldn't know. I can't see behind the filter.
Maybe you need to see thru the filter.
The dark side lets me post comments on my own blog site only to preserve the illusion that I have the supposed constitutionally protected rights of freedom of press, association, speech.
I continue to be the target of multiple frame-up attempts that involve unlawful surreptitious entry into my premises made possible by @LockheedMartin radio frequency weapon capability to generate force fields that can unlatch dead bolts
M.O. of Lockheed/US Cybercom/fusion center censorship/tampering regime:
"... generate force fields that can unlatch dead bolts." - my #gangstalkers do not get that kind of funding.
It doesn't take "radio frequency weapon capability to generate force fields" to open a dead bolt.
Most home locks can be opened with a special key made for that purpose. No big secret there.
Re: dead bolt & RF weapon force field...
I'm talking about manually latched dead blots that require physical manipulation to unlatch. The community "gangstalker" goons may not be aware of these capabilities, since many of them are dull-blade thugs unschooled in high-tech aspects of surveillance/e-torture.
Black tape I keep over laptop webcam found lowered this morning to obstruct small portion of screen -- appntly to let me know that the dark side has the capability to mess with my stuff undetected.
Oops, okay I misread it. You're talking about something like a security barrier installed behind the door. I've been thinking about doing that to my doors myself.
All late pm @LockheedMartin /@Cyber com warcriminals attk rt temp lobe w/ celltwr #neuroweapon-US SLOWKILL E-TORTURE
FYI: Link to @VoiceofRussia story on motive behind #MH370 hijack reappears-psyops? credible?
Do @LockheedMartin operatives realize the disappearance/reappearance of link to Rus stor #MH370 of motive behind #MH370 hijack connotes #MH370COVERUP?
FYI: Link to @VoiceofRussia story on motive behind #MH370 hijack reappears-psyops? credible?
NOTE: link posted earlier redirects to "page not found". Trying again:
Are they saying the 20 cloaking engineers onboard MH370 were kidnapped and then the plane destroyed?
That seems to be the inference although it is not stated in the Voice of Russia article (which was blackholed last night after I posted link, and then about an hour later the page became available again).
If U.S. black ops were involved in this, it could trigger war with China, IMO... which is another reason world leaders would find a way to ensure the coverup holds.
Given Lockheed and Boeing's interest in invisibility cloaking tech, do elements within those corporations have blood on their hands? This could get very sticky.
If I were doing this op, I'd let the "good guys" find the plane/passengers, finger private contractor Blackwater types, and declare a great victory for U.S. military intelligence -- that is, if the rogue elements didn't already kill the passengers by crashing the plane into the ocean.
For once, I'm hoping this IS a grand psyop in the manner of the apparently PHONY, STAGED BIN LADEN 'KILLING'.
5pm nears;@LockheedMartin /@Cyber com celltwr #neuroweapon cyberNazis amp up brain attk on this jrno-10+ yrs TORTURE
Above, I speculate whether #MH370 was crashed into the ocean -- should have added, "or DUSTIFIED via scalar radio frequency weapon molecular dissociation"-- as likely happened to the twin towers on 9/11/01.
There was a miniseries called True Detective recently starring Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey. It was about a coverup conspiracy involving Satanism and murders, insinuating many members of society knew about the goings on and about a psychopath called the "Yellow King". Many viewers complained the conspiracy was never unraveled, and the Yellow King got away.
Do we really know who shot Kennedy and why?
Will we ever know what happened to flight MH370 and why?
Worst FORCED SLEEP ATTK in recent memory today via RF #neuroweapon-kept insensate from 9:30am-1pm Why? b/c I'm exposing Nazi-grade WARCRIME.
Re: forced sleep celltwr #neuroweapon attacks yesterday:
Attack resumed from 3:49-5pm and again later in evening, preventing me from watching TV. Awoke to ear-ringing and extreme fatigue/weakness.
Tues Mar 25 @Morrisville PA Post Office - White cargo van PA ZDR 7090 enters pking lot at high rate of speed as I am backing out, swerves, pulls in front of me next to outside mail boxes, does not deposit mail, just idles, blocking my path until I toot horn. Van finally exits but pulls over on shoulder until I pass, then falls in behind me, passes me on the right at high rate of speed, driving parallel to my car, finally veers off and makes a right turn. These vehicle stalkers obviously receive a GPS readout of my car's location. These are targeted community terrorists attacks, enabled by police forces who apparently direct the operations of these "community watch" vigilantes. I am fearful every time I drive in Falls Twp PA where police officers assaulted and falsely arrested me in June 2009 on a charge of "misdemeanor stalking" -- what was being done to ME at the time. The charge was summarily dropped at a preliminary hearing when police failed to produce a complainant. Bucks County DA's office refused my request that the Falls Twp police be investigated for misconduct. I was told by letter that I would have to file a complaint against offending officers (whose identities I did not know) and that if investigators ruled against me, I could be prosecuted. The rule of law is DEAD in Bucks County, PA and in the entire multistate region covered by Newtown, Bucks PA- based MAGLOCLEN-RISS fusion center.
Re: Falls Township/Morrisville PA U.S. Post Office:
I have received only two pieces of outside mail at my post office box in two years. I am concerned that mail sent to my post office box and to my residence is being intercepted or stolen out of my residential mailbox.
Do the "community watch" vigilantes scare you? Are you afraid they might cause bodily harm to you?
Why do you think they are "on your case"?
Why do you think they are "on your case"?
Only a thug who disrespects the rule of law would ask a question that implicitly blames the victim for his persecution. It does appear that certain citizens are slandered to these goons as justification for official persecution -- perhaps for reasons of prejudice/hate, politics, a vendetta against a crusading journalist or any other pretext that thugs (like you?) can come up with.
Apparent thug asks me if the vigilantes "scare you" after I write about being terrified of entering Falls Twp, where the police endanger FEAR.
Kind of says everything.
Do you ever go to other places? Philadelphia? Does the stalking follow you.
Do you ever go to other places? Philadelphia? Does the stalking follow you?
Everywhere. Anywhere. This is a nationwide (global?), government-devised and enabled persecution matrix. It is a keystone "program" of the Fourth Reich that seeks to eliminate the "one in 20" who may stand in the way. You obviously haven't read any of my many articles on this "Gestapo USA." Start here:
By the way, many of the links in that article have been sabotaged. My references back to past articles often lead to dead links, apparently the result of the sale of NowPublic.com to a persecution matrix "front" that has disappeared my years of work originally published at NowPublic.com.
Local cops are easily duped into active persecution since far too many of them harbor engrained prejudice against Jews and other minorities and are all too eager to believe whatever some corrupt official tells them. False profiles are deliberately constructed to neutralize journalists and targeted minority groups. The Secret Service has seemed to be especially adept at this, although other agencies and commands in the military-intelligence-corporate complex operate under the same M.O. (i.e., Lockheed Martin contract cyberNazis).
On Tue listened to DireStraits album at home-on Wed got tweet from @LoveDireStraits -evidence of 24/7 aud/vid GOVT SPYING on me #CYBERNAZIS
M.O. of America's fascist corp-mil-intel censor/tampering regime-Red China- style cyberNazi spying:
Best, most plausible explanation for #MH370 mystery-no hard evidence, but fits w/scenario-from Voice of RUS:
@LockheedMartin cyberNazis assault me w/ celltwr #neuroweapon every day-post ad for "frontotemporal dementia" on my FB;demented WAR CRIMINALS viclivingston.blogspot.com/2011/12/u.html
#torture #genocide #LockheedMartin #USCyberCommand #genocide #sedition
7:44pm PIERCING @LockheedMartin Space Sys Newtown Bucks PA celltwr neuroweapon attk to frontal lobe after sadistic ads on my FB pg-RAID/ARREST THEM FOR FELONIOUS ASSAULT/WARCRIMES
@10pm @LockheedMartin /@Cybercom psyops pscyhopaths cut out cordless phone again during conversation as malicious psyop-previous cordless phone stolen out of our house. These sick psyops likely emanate from Lockheed Martin Space Systems Newtown Bucks PA; L-M Biometrics, Cherry Hill NJ; and/or Information Systems,King of Prussia PA. I have a basket full of cordless phones that have been disabled in this manner over the past decade. These sick cyberNazis keep repeating the playbook. This is their sport. Psychopaths paid by taxpayers and enabled by rogue officials.
Thu Mar 27 @8:24pm Pickup truck license no. PA ZDK 4208 lays in wait at intersection of Ferry Road & Yardley-Morrisville Rd, does not proceed despite lack of traffic, as I wait to turn onto Y-M Road from an opposite side street. Suspecting he was a vehicle stalker cued to my whereabouts via GPS data, I waited until he proceeded. His vehicle did not move; he continued to idle. I proceeded to make the left turn into Y-M Road but I slowed down as I approached the intersection where he apparently was laying in wait. I was trying to avoid being vehicle-stalked by the driver of this pickup truck. After a total elapsed time of nearly two minutes after I first waited to turn onto Y-M Road, the driver of the pickup truck finally made the turn and accelerated at a high rate of speed -- apparently an attempt to evade my ability to note his license number. However, I was able to take down his plate number when a stop light delayed his apparent attempt to evade detection.
The vehicle stalkers who prey upon me every time I take to the road present a clear and present danger to me as well as to other motorists and their passengers. They operate with impunity throughout the region covered by the MAGLOCLEN-RISS fusion center. In my opinion, they are domestic terrorists, enabled by law enforcement.
I liked when he retweeted ABC News.
I liked when he retweeted ABC News.
But will FBI investigators ever be unshackled by those who hide behind "national security" to perpetrate "Operation Chaos" -- part of a covert slowkill genocide aimed at eliminating those who would stand in the way of ideologue tyrants and hate-mongers?
A scientific analysis of that debris would confirm that molecular dissociation took place. That electrochemical reaction does NOT result from a conventional, naturally occurring "mudslide."
Mass murder is being perpetrated upon thousands and thousands of innocents all over the nation as FBI officials apparently LET IT HAPPEN -- fearful of taking on the military and its arsenal of invisible, light-speed radio frequency weaponry.
I say life is not worth living if the tyrants are permitted to continue their electromagnetic weapon holocaust.
I say life is not worth living if the tyrants are permitted to continue their electromagnetic weapon holocaust.
Suicide watch? Who's the thug who posted that? What I'm saying is that the only way for evil to triumph is for good people to stand by and do nothing. Why don't you get on the right side of history? To your ilk, everyone in the state of New Hampshire should be on "suicide watch" because the state motto is "Live Free or Die."
Keep posting, you fascist idiot! You help me make my case.
NOTE: I wrote "evil". It came out here as "even". More sick games by cyberNazi psychopaths.
The comment apparently censored by real-time mil-intel censorship regime (see link below):
White dust at Washington "mudslide" site tells journo that a radio frequency weapon may have triggered disaster:
A scientific analysis of that debris would confirm if molecular dissociation took place. That electrochemical reaction does NOT result from a conventional, naturally occurring "mudslide."
Mass murder is being perpetrated upon thousands and thousands of innocents all over the nation as FBI officials apparently LET IT HAPPEN -- fearful of taking on the military and its arsenal of invisible, light-speed radio frequency weaponry.
Let's boil it down once and for all:
The Lockheed Martin cyberNazis and MAGLOCLEN-RISS fusion center operatives who post here are virulent ideologues and Jew-haters who twist my words to fit their false profile of me as some kind of a "threat". This is fascism on steriods, and Bucks County PA has become a poster child for a prototypical fascist police state -- due in large part to the unbridled authoritarianism and prejudice of Lockheed and fusion center personnel and their "affiliates."
He's right. Shite rolls downhill - always has, always will.
Well, you can throw shit up hill and it will roll right back down, but heavier.
Sockpuppet fail.
The shit is going to hit the fan over all these allegations made by VIC LIVINGSTON. He is too articulate to be delusional. And what happens when the shit hits the fan?
12:04pm DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACK blocks me from social media; spies know I was attempting to post the following:
Veteran LMT Bucks PA journo home-intruded, held hostage to community gangstalkers; local police AWOL-pleads for DOA Civil Rights probe
12:51-1:06pm celltwr #neruoweapon FRCD-SLEEP ATTK aftr post appeal to @CivilRights for fusion ctr persecution probe
Your tax $ pay for @LockheedMartin /@Cyber com #cyberNazis to spy on me-in bed-on toilet-then post rude comments on net
Watching "On the Waterfront"w/Eva Marie Saint-get retweet email from "Jerome Saint John"-how @LockheedMartin cyberNazi tells me I'm SPIED ON.
This is your tax dollars at work. I'm targeted by corporate-mil rogues and apparently the mob, apparently hired to exact revenge on me as a result of my journalism -- including a story done decades ago about a war criminal cleric. Where the hell is the FBI?
@LockheedMartin felons SPOOF @Verizon email acct pgs-but someone on Vz's end forced rogues to take my sign-in on the REAL pg-jig is up,boyz.
The mob is spying on him 2 now ... uh-oh.
Hard to tell which "mob" is which... some overlap locally, apparently.
Tue Apr 1 @ 12:10pm Moments after I exit house to walk dog, appnt veh stalker in black Corvette Stingray PA FRG 2403 approaches my house-passes @ slow spd obviously cued to my presence by @LockheedMartin/MAGLOCLEN-RISS fusion center personnel. Vehicle stalked virtually every time I exit front door. Fusion ctr/local LEOs abet hate crime stalking/vigilantism.
interesting. black Corvette Stingray - same car stalked me in parking lot in another state, blowing horn over 10 times and waving at me as I walked past it.
@LockheedMartin /Cyber com real-time censors/tamperers CHANGING CONTENT of my social media posts to change meaning-appnt frameup attempt.
Deleted word "if" to make it seem like I was stating with certainty that radio frequency weapon factored into WA mudslide, when in fact I was suggesting that authorities test the white dust that covered debris to check for "molecular dissociation" -- a symptom of radio frequency weapon attack.
M.O. of the fascist, covert Lockheed Martin, U.S. Cyber Command censorship/tampering regime:
Just a coincidence that the celltower radio frequency weapon is referred to as "stingray" by authorities who insist it's just for "surveillance"??
Local police "neighborhood watch" team leaders have SLANDERED me to neighbors as some kind of nut and/or "threat"-see viclivingston.blogspot.com/2012/06/lower-makefield-twp-bucks-county-pa.html
He's connecting the dots.
Based on my reporting and empirical evidence gained by experience, I'd say the most dangerous organized crime syndicate in the world is run by militaries, secret services and intelligence agencies, with logistics/communications coordinated by Lockheed Martin and local police departments nationwide. What's traditionally regarded as "organized crime" is employed as "ground muscle". The whole system is rotting from the INSIDE.
Just got tweet from "@PhillipBryant2"-only 1 prev. tweet. Leads me to reference to "Hebrews 6" -obvious Jew hater w/likely ties to mil-intel
My wife is being charged $70 copay on her @IBX plan Rx by @CVS_Extra MorrisvilleBucksCoPA-Can this be? Or is she being defrauded?
From @scrivener50 Twitter pg
Bucks Co. law enforcement lets merchants overcharge/defraud so-called "targeted individuals" -- will not investigate hate crime complaints, even reports of POISONING of food/water/air, home intrusions, vandalism. Open season for haters in Bucks County PA and entire region. I live in Lower Makefield.
I have requested a U.S. Justice Dept. Civil Rights Division investigation of the entire region covered by MAGLOCLEN-RISS fusion center. Can't send in complaint via mail or email,apparently because I am being CENSORED. So I am using unconventional methods to attract attention of ethical law enforcement.
It's like he's putting together a jigsaw puzzle.
The sabotage occurred when I was "kept under" by yet another celltower neuroweapon forced sleep attack, which incapacitated me for a full hour or more.
I discovered the sabotage Tuesday evening when I was heading out on an errand. I spent more than a hour Tuesday night reversing the sabotage by reinstalling the mechanism in the proper position.
These goons made illegal entry to sabotage my property, APPARENTLY WITH NO FEAR OF REPERCUSSIONS.
In early Feb, the other garage door was sabotaged via apparent radio frequency weapon attack that literally melted a bolt keeping spring taut. Then, on Feb. 27th, a dogwalker goon threatened me to my face, saying: "We're gonna get the other one."
On Tuesday the goons made good on that threat, which prompted me to call local police.
I intend to do so again tomorrow to make an official record of this latest example of the BREAKDOWN IN THE RULE OF LAW IN LOWER MAKEFIELD TWP, BUCKS COUNTY, PA.
Apparently, rogue officers think they can paint me as delusional when their goons pull off these stunts. But too many ethical insiders know the score.
This will not end until officers of the law are held responsible for letting criminals terrorize extralegally "targeted individuals" -- who are slandered as mentally ill or "threats." The REAL terrorists are the gangstalker/community "watch" goons and their "team leaders" -- some of them officers of the law.
Now BLOCKED from posting tweets to @cnnbrk-reply link reloads pg-"folo" option deactivated-MIL-INTEL CENSORSHIP @CNN
Multibillions to Lockheed Martin for lame psyops. SCANDAL.
Poor guy. Probably hasn't even noticed it's spring in his war zone.
Somebody's gotta do it -- it might as well be him. He's got the chops.
Are @LockheedMartin /@Cyber com operatives still sabotaging computer tax returns of American citizens?
Mr. Livingston has told us he does not own a gun.
Karen Massari said...
Mr. Livingston has told us he does not own a gun.
Out of blue neurolinguistic programming: hallmark of lame mil-intel psyops.
Why out of the blue? Your headlines ... 'male thongs' ... income tax ...and Fort Hood shooter ... ... ...
Why out of the blue? Your headlines ... 'male thongs' ... income tax ...and Fort Hood shooter
You are a paid cyber-terrorist, no doubt from the the unit that maliciously inserts "male thong" ads on my Facebook page in a campaign to build a false profile of me-- you Nazi bastard.
I don't need a firearm to take you down... I'm doing it RIGHT NOW.
Ah the man from La Mancha fighting his windmills.
No you are not taking me down into your cellar you great American psychopath. You are not sawing me in half.
Ha! that'll keep him huffing and puffing for the next 24 hours lol.
What a bunch of cyberNazi LOOZERS! Get a real job, punks.
cyberNazis play psycho card and looze.
No they don't. Something always seems to work to their advantage. They don't lose.
11:20am Awoke frm another @LockheedMartin /@Cyber com celltwr #neuroweapon attk to brain&GROIN-literally burning up:
Comfort and healing.
We wish Vic and all TIs.
These regional goon hate cultists have all of our account numbers and apparently are fleecing us as police refuse to investigate serial home intrusions. Even local bank officials wouldn't listen when I complained that returned checks were written in handwriting that I know was not mine. This is how officially-enabled thieves do account takeovers. My family and I literally have no police protection against thieves, some of whom are "run" by rogue cops as the supposedly "good cops" either look the other way or cower in fear that they and their families will be targeted.
This is Nazi-grade fascism and it's a product of a military/intelligence/defense contractor establishment that is conducting a shadow government GENOCIDE.
Appears Jews whose grandparents escaped from czarist Russia are targeted/libeled-slandered by IC contractors in covert GENOCIDE.
Lockheed Martin is the "compartmented" logistical arm of this genocide. The company has a long history of fascist leanings and virulent hatred of Jews. Its local agents prey upon anti-Jewish sentiment to persecute Jewish journalists who expose military contractor abuses and war crimes.
How can you trust private intelligence community contractors? They might have their own hidden agendas.
Anonymous said...
How can you trust private intelligence community contractors? They might have their own hidden agendas.
The answer to this question explains the genesis of the phony "war on terror" and the 9/11 attacks. The most dangerous terrorist organization in the world is LOCKHEED MARTIN. It is the logistical arm of the Fourth Reich,and has succeeded in co-opting and terrorizing ethical elements of the U.S. military-intelligence establishment.
The solution: a nationwide takedown of Lockheed Martin war criminals -- the people who torture me daily, as recently as earlier today -- along with their corporate and government overlords.
Until this happens, the fascist yoke will continue to tighten and expand its grip on American citizens and their political and military leaders.
@LockheedMartin ColoradoSprings HQ located on "New Allegiance Way"-speaks VOLUMES. RT THIS. #genocide #newworldorder
Lockheed Martin builds the weapons that keep us safe from our adversaries. It is Un-American and un-patriotic to advocate Lockheed's "takedown". We would be vulnerable without them.
It's corporate.
Corporate? Walmart has over 10 times the number of employees that Lockheed has. Walmart embraces corporate fascism. Walmart is owned by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Illuminati controls Walmart. Walmart embraces gangstalking in their stores. Walmart is the largest private employer. All the other big private corporations follow the same M.O.
Then again America has the kind of wealth all other nations envy.
To show how proud they are of their accomplishments with the discount chain, the Illuminati have changed the company's logo to reflect their symbolism. Today, a sun is Wal-Mart's most prominent symbol. If people aren't careful, Wal-Mart will be the future life of the world, a life where everyone is a slave mired in poverty and what little earnings the people receive go right back to the beast. It will be a life of secret informants and tireless propaganda. It will be what Orwell prophesized in "1984." It will be what North Korea is today. And, what's worse, it will all function in what was once a powerful, individualistic and democratic society.
There are places that successfully fought Wal Mart.
So ... are y'all FB friends with Matthew Barasch ... who lives in ... Hollywood?
If it's the same Matt, I wrote a summary about his appearence on the Dr. Phil show:
Dr. Phil Exposes Organized Stalking
And it's funny that you guys should mention Walmart:
Walmart Illuminati Security Team
For some strange reason, Vic Livingston doesn't seem to like Nowfact. It's difficult to understand why ... What does he think of "Matt" - America's most visible TI? He'll probably call him a probie-grade sockpuppet military contractor psyop pussy actor.
Bitterness? A feeling of having been misled?
Anonymous said...For some strange reason, Vic Livingston doesn't seem to like Nowfact.
Something that both Vic Livingston and the Walmart Illuminati security team have in common?
Karen Massari said...
Bitterness? A feeling of having been misled?
What? ... Why?
@7pm Dark-colored car full of teenagers shouting and laughing, PA plate F/P 1020, speeds by traveling west at high rate of speed on my street as I walk dog. License plate number provides evidence of some of the elements (and apparently family members) that have been persecuting/terrorizing me and my interests for the past decade.
@7:28pm White or gray vehicle vanity PA plate BET WHEY (obscured by faded plastic plate cover) guns engine, charges toward me on my street traveling east at high speed, veers away as it passes me.
@LockheedMartin @cyber Will my computer income tax filing be sabotaged again as it was last year?
Anonymous said...
Lockheed Martin builds the weapons that keep us safe from our adversaries. It is Un-American and un-patriotic to advocate Lockheed's "takedown". We would be vulnerable without them.
Another psyop libel that purposely distorts my comments. No one in this forum has advocated the "takedown" of the Lockheed Martin corporation. L-M officials and employees who are complicit in the slowkill electromagnetic weapon attacks on American citizens need to be taken down, along with their co-conspirators in government agencies and commands. These individuals are complicit in a genocide, just as the executives of I.G. Farben were complicit in the genocide committed by Nazi Germany.
Ad for @LendingTree on @Verizon email pg lists exact financial data on my house-gross privacy violation, and/or malicious cyberNazi psyop?
Still getting phony, spoofed, amateur looking signin page on @Verizon email-constant demands that I sign in again-appnt mil-intel #PSYOP
@LockheedMartin /@Cyber com celltwr #neuroweapon eers change torture mode-frm stabbing brain attk to forced fatigue/sleep-STILL DISABLING
Daddy comes home with a headache. At least he has learned to tolerate the children playing around him.
"Karen Massari" - fake avatar for mil-intel cyberNazi psyop operative, paid with taxpayer dollars to respond to persons targeted by Lockheed/Cybercom ideologues/hate mongers/slowkill genocidists.
2:42pm Now trying to fight off forced fatigue/sleep celltwr #neuroweapon attk by @LockheedMartin /@Cyber com WAR CRIMINALS
Cannot function. Cannot be productive. That is why this mode of neuroweapon attack is a slowkill GENOCIDE.
Anonymous said...There are places that successfully fought Wal Mart.
Has anyone ever successfully fought Wal Mart, or any store, over the gangstalking, gaslighting, and harassment being done there, and elsewhere, to the persecuted? I doubt it.
Empirical evidence borne of experience informs me that the store video security systems of chains such as Wal-Mart and Home Depot are GPS-enabled and utilized by Lockheed Martin /Cyber Command neuroweapon torturers/slowkillers to target and attack customers who are among their "targeted individuals." I have been attacked in these stores, as well as Lowes, Dollar Tree and others, even when I was not carrying a cellphone, or had taken the battery out of the cellphone.
I am not a fake person, and I don't work for anyone. This is because I have been a family person for the past 25 years.
Vic Livingston said...store video security systems of chains such as Wal-Mart and Home Depot are GPS-enabled
They've installed face recognition tech in Wal-Mart and other big chains. They don't need GPS chips in the stores that have face recognition tech.
@LockheedMartin /@Cyber com cyberNazis appntly send me email referencing "low-cost removals." I consider this a death threat. #CYBERNAZIS
Face recognition doesn't provide targeting coordinates for the RF weapon grid, but GPS-enabled video -- which is now in ALL big stores -- does.
@LockheedMartin /@Cyber com Jew-hating cyberNazis appntly didn't like my @Twitter comment so they send me pic of book cover "How Not to Be a Dick." #LAMEPSYOPS
So that means you have a gps chip implanted in your body. Do you remember who implanted it?
No chip implant required for precision radio frequency weapon attack if Lockheed celltower neuroweapon war criminals have the coordinates in real-time. But you already knew that. #LAMEPSYOPS
The clerk at the "courtesy desk" of the Boscov's store in Neshaminy Mall, Bucks County PA was anything but courteous to this customer on Monday evening April 7th. I was attempting to return a defective coffee maker that my wife had purchased the day before at another Boscov's store. I had with me the sales receipt, which contained a bar code referencing the transaction. An appliance department employee told me she could not accept the return unless I produced my wife's store credit card, which I did not have on my person. The appliance department employee did not offer to issue a store credit. I asked to see a store manager, and the employee directed me to the store courtesy desk.
When I approached the courtesy desk, I found that the area was roped off with a barrier. I waited. Finally a female clerk appeared at the desk. The clerk, like the previous store employee, insisted that she could not credit my wife's account unless I could produce her charge card. The clerk initially did not immediately offer a store credit for the purchase amount. Instead, several times, she demanded my social security number. I refused the demand, reminding the clerk that I had the purchase receipt and that I could not understand why she would not credit the purchase amount back to my wife's account. I even offered to show the clerk my driver's license. The clerk was rude and insulting, remarking at one point that she was "used to customers like you." I reminded the clerk that her remarks were being recorded on the store surveillance system, and I promised her that I would take up the matter with Boscov's management. When I asked for her name, the desk clerk covered up and then removed her employee name tag and refused to tell me her name.
I then returned to the appliance department with the defective coffee maker and I purchased another coffee maker. At that point, I asked the appliance department sales person what would have happened if I had said I was returning a gift purchase. She said I would have been issued a store credit. So I returned to the courtesy desk and asked the desk clerk to issue me a store credit for the defective coffee maker. She then demanded my full name and address. Suspicious about her earlier repeated requests for my social security number, I refused to give my address.The clerk demanded my last name, and threatened to call store security. To avoid an escalation of this unpleasant scene, I reluctantly wrote my last name on the slip that the clerk produced. Finally, I was issued the store credit.
As I was leaving the store, I was followed down the escalator by an apparent stalker who appeared to have been cued to my presence. At this point, I wondered to myself whether the courtesy desk employee was part of an identity theft ring that preys on senior citizens and other individuals targeted by criminals and hate groups.
In all of my adult life, I have never had a more unpleasant experience in a department store. I hereby ask Boscov's management to review the circumstances of this incident, including store security footage which will reveal the rudeness and discourteous behavior of the courtesy desk clerk. I also would like an official apology, along with assurance that Boscov's management is taking steps to see that all customers are treated with the respect to which they are entitled.
#gaslighting #gangstalking #fusioncenter #hatecrime
several times, she demanded my social security number
There is no way that she should have asked for your social security number. Something is wrong there.
Anonymous said...
several times, she demanded my social security number
There is no way that she should have asked for your social security number. Something is wrong there.
There is an identity theft ring operating throughout the region covered by the MAGLOCLEN-RISS fusion center. It targets so-called "targeted individuals" who have been branded as "dissidents" or "undesirables" or mentally ill by ideologues and hate-mongers -- who are hiding behind the wars on terror and crime to conduct a covert "social cleansing" -- a slowkill GENOCIDE.
ALL police departments in this region have been corrupted by fusion center extrajudicial targeting. I am the poster child for these abuses. I have no protection against stalkers, vandals, home intruders, I.D.thieves. And it is a fact that some rogue police officers enable these crimes. Some of them have knocked on my door claiming someone at our household called 9-1-1. Once this happened after I dropped a phone from a desk.
There is no way the phone dialed "9-1-1." The Lockheed/Cybercom surveillance goons who spy on me 24/7 apparently used the dropping of the phone as a pretext to initiate a 9-1-1 police "roll."
And then the cop said it was for my own protection, "in case you fell and hit your head." Someone obviously slandered me to this cop, who would not give me his name or badge number except to say, "call me A.J."
The Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department needs to make an example of an exurban county whose police forces have abandoned the rule of law at the behest of federal and military ideologues conducting "covert operations." I nominate BUCKS COUNTY, PA; MERCER COUNTY, N.J.; and PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, PA.
Someone is sending me spam emails stating a comment has been posted to this section, in Russian, with links to Russian websites. An apparent attempt to frame me? I have an old tee shirt I got at a cable TV programming convention from a Russian TV network, promoting the network. I happened to pull this shirt out of the drawer the other night. Is that the reason these goons are sending me emails in Russian (which I do not read or speak)??
4:13pm Awoke -frm 1-1/2hr @LockheedMartin /@Cyber com celltwr #neuroweapon frcd-sleep attk-cyberNazi NEUTRALIZED
He always seems to get in trouble, doesn't he ...
Anonymous said...
He always seems to get in trouble, doesn't he ...
Now let's play "blame the victim" -- what a bunch of cyberNazi THUGS that post here...
A message supposedly from the Bozcov's dept store chain posted on my Facebook page was an obvious fake counterfeited by the Lockheed/Cybercom/MAGLOCLEN-RISS contract psyops censorship regime.
The message tried to justify the clerk's repeated requests for my social. There is no way this request was legitimate. There is no plausible justification for a courtesy desk clerk to demand my social.
There also is no justification for a mil-intel censorship/tampering regime to counterfeit responses and post the messages online in the name of a legitimate company. Indeed -- that is CRIMINAL.
I have experienced most everything described in this Examiner(dot)com article about former FBI agent Robert Levin. While the article is two years old, its contents remain relevant. Nothing has changed. A covert genocide continues:
#genocide #fusioncenter #electromagneticweapon #neuroweapon #RobertLevin #VicLivingston
What would you say to the partner of a TI who breaks down and says I can't hear your whining any more?
Anonymous said...
What would you say to the partner of a TI who breaks down and says I can't hear your whining any more?
I would answer that question with a question:
Are you asking that question based on pervasive warrantless surveillance of the supposedly private conversations of so-called "targeted individuals" inside their homes, and via telecommunications?
If the answer to that question is "yes", then you are a constitution-violating American fascist who needs to be taken down under the rule of law.
Wherever Vic may live, it's not some 'Hollywood fantasy land'.
Strongly suspect @LockheedMartin /@Cybercom cyberNazis "embellishing" emails of fam members in attmpt to spawn conflict-their SICK SPORT.
Wherever Vic may live, it's not some 'Hollywood fantasy land'
It's socioeconomic, don't think he'd understand.
Posted to @scrivener50 on Twitter:
@LockheedMartin @cyber My computer tax program tax returns again say "KIA" on every pg & "KIA 1017" in voucher-code for a mil-intel GENOCIDE
re: "KIA 1017": Appnt slowkill genocide targeting supposed "dissidents/undesirables"
http://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2013/04/ongoing-criminal-sabotage-of-journos.html …
Also found fresh hole cut in crouch of pair of pants-wasn't there 2 days ago-Lower Makefield Twp BucksCoPA home intruders unbowed-cops AWOL
Again this yr all pgs of H&RBlock puter tax forms say KIA in crnr & KIA 1017 on pay voucher-apppnt code for covert op
My report from last year deciphering an apparent venal covert mil-intel op targeting me and 1000s of others condemned as "dissidents/undesirables" by a seditious element in the mil-intel-defense contractor ambit:
Me? According to the musings of this retired major veteran market journalist, I'm a bunch of guys in a bunch of cubicles watching his every precious move.
Sure beats being a nobody.
Between perps and TIs, it's always a game of attention grabbing.
Et tu is the Julius Caesar backstabbing thing isn't it. Et tu mi fili .. backstabbing plays a part in gangstalking as well. In a store, they will be all kind and friendly, and I fall for it. Only at the very last minute do they pull something decidedly mean, I call it the backstabbing goodbye.
Again this year: HIGH-TECH COMPUTER SABOTAGE OF JOURNO'S FED TAX PRINTOUT-my story from last tax season:
Another frd-sleep celltwr #neuroweapon attk by @LockheedMartin /@Cyber com war criminals-awoke sevre ear-ringing, fatigue-HOW MANY OTHERS?
3:05 PM - 10 Apr 2014
Regional @LockheedMartin/ @Cyber com/MAGLOCLEN-RISS/cop-fusion ctr gestapo apptly subsidizing another NJ goon family home move-in @ #1225
Just wanted to say that some of these comments are so disturbing.
I wish I could go outside in this nice weather .. w/o them being there.
I am afraid to go outside too. Too much sun.
If I go outside they'll start honking their horns and screaming out their front doors. Or maybe they'll all make their dogs start barking at the same time, from every house around me. So, yeah, that is so disturbing.
He's written something on his wall calendar behind the counter the last couple of times I've gone to his shop. Seems to know everything I've bought for the last couple years, because he's made remarks about it. Weird.
It's .. annoying, but it's nowhere near what other TIs are experiencing. It is carried out by the good citizens of the community, and it is 'no-touch torture' as in brighting or same exit same entry. Or completely f****** up my kids' lives. I have no idea what motivates them or what their end game is. F****** idiots.
I don't think there is any "end game". I think it's all about power and control.
What do they do to your kids?
2 separate @LockheedMartin/ @Cyber com/MAGLOCLEN-RISS/cop-fusion ctr gestapo apptly subsidized goon family homes leaving at same time. Newly subsidized goon family move-ins to follow?
Did Hitler take over or something?
Can't access blogger.com over my @LockheedMartin / @Cyber com censored cnxn-takes me to my blog control pg-can't get offl site or ANY content about Blogger... more proof of censorship/tampering w/all of my telecom/net.
Another criminal home entry late Saturday afternoon as family was preoccupied. Someone entered unlocked front door, went to my bedroom, found packaging for a cylinder lock I had purchased at Home Depot, rearranged the way I had packed unit for return, took the lock in its bag downstairs and deposited it in the kitchen, in a place where I had placed a large item about two hours before.
These criminal home intrusions indicate that community goons have free rein to enter my premise, vandalize, gaslight, steal I.D. -- secure in the knowledge that NO LOCAL POLICE FORCE WILL PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WHO HAVE BEEN EXTRAJUDICIALLY TARGETED/SLANDERED AS 'DISSIDENTS/UNDESIRABLES.'
The reason I am returning the lock: the key number, which contains five numerals, uses only two numbers, in sequence. It was the only package that hadn't been opened. It is apparent that store personnel/authorities surveilling me recorded the code number from the packaging -- ensuring I'd get a cylinder whose key code was taken down so that the code could be supplied to the community goons who have free license to make unlawful entries into my home for nefarious purposes.
Another "bonfire of the vanities" (or satanic hate-mongers) on Saturday night in the backyard of my western neighbor. Some drunken chants/prayers as the bonfire raged, it sounded like to me when I opened the back door. A periodic event attended by dozens of persons, some of whose vehicles displayed PA and NJ plate numbers of some of my frequent vehicle stalkers. It appears these people are hell-bent on driving Jews/me from my neighborhood.
In my opinion, there is no way local law enforcement is not aware of these apparent "covens."
Ladders are stored in the backyard. Used by community goons to enter my house as my wife and I are kept under via radio frequency neuromodulation weapon forced-sleep attack engineered by Lockheed Martin Space Systems operatives in nearby Newtown, Bucks County, PA?
The celltower radio frequency neuroweapon system is capable of transmitting silent subaural messages directly into the brains of triangulated individuals. This is how a psychopathic fascist element in the military contrator/mil-intel complex is "mind-controlling" their targets, setting family members against "targeted individuals." It is also apparent that the nation's highest political and business leaders are being puppetmastered and damaged by this technology, as I have written about in past articles:
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